Title: Ken "Snake" Stabler NFL Hall of Fame Post by: pmull on August 07, 2016, 07:08:34 AM It was long over due but Ken Stabler finally make it into the NFL Hall of Fame.
(http://media.cleveland.com/datacentral/photo/ken-stabler-fred-biletnikoffjpg-34f390c03872f1fd.jpg) An Alabama great. The perfect Raider. The Raiders have the Sea of Hands, Ghost to the Post and Holy Roller. Alabama has The Run in the Mud. Only the best have plays named after them. “There’s nothing wrong with reading the game plan by the light of the jukebox.” Snake, thanks for the memories. Title: Re: Ken "Snake" Stabler NFL Hall of Fame Post by: 2Stater on August 07, 2016, 07:37:45 AM I just wish he was alive to enjoy it. :worship: