Title: No Practice Report? Post by: ALTideUp on August 08, 2016, 01:22:02 AM Well, I guess I'll have to take a run at it.
As always, I was impressed with the way practice is run. It is efficient, everyone knows what they are supposed to do an does his job. I was particularly impressed that even in the heat, there was no foolishness with regard to fights or scuffles of any kind. It was not without effort or emotion, but it was all well controlled and properly focused effort and emotion. The QB situation seems to be that it is Cooper Bateman's to lose. No one really stood out in terms of the accuracy of their throws or their decision making. Wide receivers looked very solid. Few dropped balls. Alphonse Taylor and freshman Malik Martin, both seemed to be carrying a ginormous amount of non-muscle weight. Coach Cochran has his work cut out for him with those guys. The crowd was small because the real feel was about 105, maybe 110 inside the parabola. It was goos to see the fellas back in the red hats. Title: Re: No Practice Report? Post by: 2Stater on August 08, 2016, 06:13:59 AM Thanks for the report, ATU. Have an e-cred! #+
Sounds like the team is very solid. Will be glad when a QB is chosen, so they can start preparing for USCw. Title: Re: No Practice Report? Post by: ricky023 on August 08, 2016, 07:41:34 AM Thanks for the report, ATU. Have an e-cred! #+ Sounds like the team is very solid. Will be glad when a QB is chosen, so they can start preparing for USCw. Hey 2, knowing CNS don't you bet they are already preparing for USCw and probably whoever is next after that. I mean big game. RTR! Title: Re: No Practice Report? Post by: Chechem on August 09, 2016, 06:10:04 AM Better report than the published one. :worship:
Have an e-cred! |