Title: New York Times - 'THE RECKONING' - AMERICA AND THE WORLD A DECADE AFTER 9/11 Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 11, 2011, 09:59:43 AM http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/us/sept-11-reckoning/viewer.html?hp
Quote PeteThamel - NYT - Most important: On 9-11, I can't recommend enough the NYT's special section "The Reckoning." "On that day — the Sept. 11 that requires no year — the sun set on crushed buildings in a reimagined world. It set on a recontoured skyline and a haunted city. The equations of life no longer worked. That’s the way it seemed." Title: Re: New York Times - 'THE RECKONING' - AMERICA AND THE WORLD A DECADE AFTER 9/11 Post by: Kupkake on September 11, 2011, 01:48:37 PM Thank you, Coach. Unbelievably moving.