Title: "Live updates: Nick Saban talks Alabama fall camp" Post by: WALL-E on August 10, 2016, 05:02:08 PM Live updates: Nick Saban talks Alabama fall camp
Title: Re: "Live updates: Nick Saban talks Alabama fall camp" Post by: Chechem on August 11, 2016, 05:12:56 AM Quote — Saban said Calvin Ridley falls into the category of being a "mature competitor." He also said that Ridley has gotten bigger and stronger. — Saban said redshirt freshman Kendall Sheffield remains a "work in progress." He said Sheffield has a lot of ability but that he's still looking for Sheffield to be more "naturally instinctive." — Saban was complimentary of redshirt junior offensive lineman Bradley Bozeman, who has been the first-team right guard during recent viewing periods... Good stuff. #+ Title: Re: "Live updates: Nick Saban talks Alabama fall camp" Post by: ricky023 on August 11, 2016, 07:59:15 AM Quote — Saban said Calvin Ridley falls into the category of being a "mature competitor." He also said that Ridley has gotten bigger and stronger. — Saban said redshirt freshman Kendall Sheffield remains a "work in progress." He said Sheffield has a lot of ability but that he's still looking for Sheffield to be more "naturally instinctive." — Saban was complimentary of redshirt junior offensive lineman Bradley Bozeman, who has been the first-team right guard during recent viewing periods... Good stuff. #+ When I read CNS speaking of how good people are it scares me. The reason being is in the past he hasn't done this that I can remember. RTR! |