Title: 'Gibson Guitars - From Chet Atkins, BB King, Roy Orbison, to Jimmy Page' Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 12, 2011, 11:14:04 AM http://townhall.com/columnists/mikeadams/2011/09/12/gibson_guitars
Quote On the mantle above my fireplace there sits an old picture of my grandfather, Joe Dee Adams, Sr. The picture was taken some time during the Great Depression when he was a professional musician.It was actually his promo picture for the radio show he hosted on WSGN in Birmingham, Alabama. In it, he is holding an old Gibson acoustic guitar. The Obama Department of Justice recently raided Gibson’s Nashville plant seeking allegedly illegal rosewood that was used to make Gibson fingerboards. The problem was that the fingerboards were supposed to have been fitted with inlays in India before they were shipped to America. Gibson is now in trouble for doing the work here. And the government has seized massive quantities of Gibson’s work materials. Many have asked this pointed question: Is the Obama White House committed to shipping American jobs oversees to India? The answer to the question is simply “no.” The Obama administration does not oppose keeping jobs in America. Its conduct is simply a function of the fact that it opposes businesses that are run by Republicans that donate heavily to Republican candidates and causes. WSGN 690 AM located on the Bessemer Super Highway, was the radio station my older ( 6 years older) sister listened to in the early 1960s. I remember a hit song being played back in 1964. "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones. Title: Re: 'Gibson Guitars - From Chet Atkins, BB King, Roy Orbison, to Jimmy Page' Post by: ricky023 on September 12, 2011, 11:23:12 AM Very good article. I always wanted a Gibson but could not afford one. I have a no name guitar called a Hohner. The strings are new and it plays great if I could bring greatness out of those strings.
I enjoy learning everyday. RTR! |