Title: Florida at Tennessee-Butch Jones on Hot Seat if He Loses? Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 19, 2016, 04:12:56 PM Tennessee is desperate to beat Florida after losing the last 10 in-a-row. Florida lost its starting QB & UT has looked like crap so far this year. Can Florida and McElwain beat UT at their place? Does McElwain have some tricks up his sleeve? What happens if UF wins again? Interesting game.
:think: Title: Re: Florida at Tennessee-Butch Jones on Hot Seat if He Loses? Post by: ricky023 on September 19, 2016, 04:41:09 PM I really feel UF will win outright. CBJ will be hunting another school to go to. I personally in my heart thought when Butch Jones went to Tenn. they would turn around and be a good football team. Maybe losing to us only at times but they haven't done anything so far. RTR!
Title: Re: Florida at Tennessee-Butch Jones on Hot Seat if He Loses? Post by: bamaphil on September 19, 2016, 04:46:25 PM Tennessee has not looked good. If they lose to Florida and go on to struggle through the rest of the year I think Jones' seat will start getting warm.