Title: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 13, 2011, 11:16:24 AM http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/oversize-man-sues-white-castle-over-seats-20110911-NCX
Quote NANUET, N.Y. - A 290-pound New York man is steaming mad at the White Castle fast-food chain, which he claims repeatedly broke promises to make the booths in his local eatery bigger. Martin Kessman, 64, filed a lawsuit against the fast-food giant last week in Manhattan federal court, claiming that the uncomfortable booths violate the civil rights of fat people. Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 13, 2011, 11:18:05 AM Are you kidding me? What is wrong with this country?
Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: pmull on September 13, 2011, 11:29:14 AM I'm 6' and weight 200lbs. I'm too big for most booths. What's this guy thinking. Surely this will not make it to court or a settlement. This is why our court system is so backed up.
Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 13, 2011, 11:34:58 AM I didn't know being over weight was classified as a disability covered in "The Americans with Disabilities Act"
Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: 2Stater on September 13, 2011, 12:34:47 PM HEY, BAT FASTARD, HERE'S A NOVEL IDEA; LOSE SOME #@%*! WEIGHT!
Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: BAMAWV on September 13, 2011, 10:05:28 PM Are you kidding me? What is wrong with this country? The Democratic Party is in bed with the Trial Lawyers Association. Many companies and their insurers sued by these kinds of lawyers, will settle out of court rather than spend the money to try a frivolous case. If judges and state bar associations would sanction lawyers when these nonsensical suits are thrown out, maybe that would slow these people down. The cost of the settlements and/or litigation is simply passed on to the consumer. Tort (civil wrong) reform has been enacted in a hand full of states, like Texas, and they have found it inducive for businesses to relocate to these states. Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: 2Stater on September 14, 2011, 08:22:55 AM Are you kidding me? What is wrong with this country? The Democratic Party is in bed with the Trial Lawyers Association. Many companies and their insurers sued by these kinds of lawyers, will settle out of court rather than spend the money to try a frivolous case. If judges and state bar associations would sanction lawyers when these nonsensical suits are thrown out, maybe that would slow these people down. The cost of the settlements and/or litigation is simply passed on to the consumer. Tort (civil wrong) reform has been enacted in a hand full of states, like Texas, and they have found it inducive for businesses to relocate to these states. Old Tider, help me out here. I have heard that if you file a lawsuit in England and lose, you pay all attorneys fees and court costs. Is that true? If it is, I bet there are 90% fewer frivolous lawsuits there than here. We could learn from that. Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: carl childers on September 14, 2011, 03:32:26 PM If Fat Dude would stay out of White Castle, he might be able to squeeze into a booth...
Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 14, 2011, 03:35:45 PM If Fat Dude would stay out of White Castle, he might be able to squeeze into a booth... :lol: #+ Title: Re: 'Oversize Man Sues White Castle Over Seats' Post by: cbbama99 on September 15, 2011, 01:35:59 PM HEY, BAT FASTARD, HERE'S A NOVEL IDEA; LOSE SOME #@%*! WEIGHT! My point exactly. I am overweight, and I don't blame McDonald's, Burger King or Pizza Hut. IT IS MY FREAKIN' FAULT!!! I am responsible for my size, and that is why this lawsuit and all the other measures people are taking now against fast food pacles is so irritating. Instead of teaching personal responsibility, our answer is to sue these businesses for making us overweight and forcing them to adopt measures to make their food more healthy. If you want healthier food, here's a novel idea: don't eat at fast food pacles. And stay at home and eat in your oversize chair if you can't fit into the freakin' booth. That's what I do. ;) |