Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => President's Mansion => Topic started by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 13, 2011, 02:46:43 PM

Title: 'The Photo: Obama Bush – Obama and the Soup Kitchen'
Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 13, 2011, 02:46:43 PM

When I first saw this photo at Rush Limbaugh’s site, I was stunned at the contrast, and I wondered whether it was photoshopped, but we have seen Obama in this pose several times during his presidency. The photo has not been tinkered with. Another striking thing was seeing the difference between George and Laura Bush at Shanksville, at the Flight 93 Tenth remembrance ceremony, and Obama and his wife at Shanksville. On September 10th, Obama worked in a soup kitchen. Apparently, there were not enough people to dish up the soup, so the president wanted to make a difference. Surely someone would have stood-in for him. Have to ask, how many would not have gotten soup had he not been there? At Shanksville on that same day, President Bush spoke along with Joe Biden and Bill Clinton. There are several photos of Laura Bush wiping the tears away.

Morph to September 11, and we see BO and MO walking through the hallowed ground, which has just opened to the families – the place where United Flight 93 plowed into the ground at 600 miles an hour – heroes aboard saying the lives of only God knows how many in Washington, D.C. MO has shed her chic little cardigan by that time, and is sleeveless. She is not 16, but she is shameless.


President Bush, head bowed, is clearly praying. Obama is clearly doing something.

Commentary from Rush, and he’s talking about how cruelly George W. Bush was treated by the Left while in office:

They did assassination movies and books about George W. Bush. There’s a picture. I don’t know if you’ve seen the picture: Bush and Obama standing side by side while a memorial service is going on, prayer taking place. Bush is appropriately bowing his head. Obama is looking up at his son: God — or, if you want, his father. But it’s not an accident. Now, some people have said Obama looks like he’s trying to figure out what he’s gonna wear on the golf course later. But, no. Obama has this habit of looking up and looking up above everyone and Bush is bowing his head. Obama’s eyes are closed looking up. That’s quite striking. I think it’s quite, quite telling.

They got all over Bush. He didn’t leave the school the moment he heard. He didn’t come back to Washington soon enough. Remember Peter Jennings saying, “Ah, you know, some presidents are just better at this than others,” in expressing his disapproval the way Bush was handling the post-9/11 period. Then they said it was all his fault, not the Clintons’. And then they said he was violating civil rights, that he was listening in on liberals’ phone calls and wiretapping their lives. He was rounding up citizens. He was torturing. He was invading your library records. And we had ten years of no attacks.