Title: Limbaugh: "Obama Went to A Soup Kitchen" on 9/11 Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 13, 2011, 03:50:58 PM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc9OzuIiLvA
"What does a soup kitchen have to do with 9-11?" I don't know how many related articles slamming Limbaugh for being critical of Obama. All left wing media sites. Here is one of them. Limbaugh wasn't dissing Obama for working in a soup kitchen. He criticized him for making 9/11 a "Day of Service" instead of a memorial day. Quote Rush Limbaugh Trashes Obama 9/11 Soup Kitchen Visit: Sends Bad Message To Muslims. http://www.mediaite.com/online/rush-limbaugh-trashes-obama-911-soup-kitchen-visit-sends-bad-message-to-muslims/ Mediaite by Jon Bershad | 4:18 pm, September 12th, 2011 It’s not that Rush Limbaugh has anything against soup kitchens. On the contrary, he totally thinks it’s a “noble gesture.” However, he’s really not happy at all that President Obama was at one on Saturday. Why? Well, Limbaugh thinks it’s just one of the many ways that Obama and his administration are sending the wrong message to the world’s Muslims through their commemorations of 9/11. So, wait. How do you diss a guy for taking his family to help out at a soup kitchen? Well, it all has to do with Limbaugh’s dislike for the administrations declarations of 9/11 as a “Day of Service.” Limbaugh: “Now doesn’t making the anniversary of 9/11 into a national Day of Service make it seem like we’re the ones who have to make amends? Community service? That’s, in many cases, part of a punishment that’s handed out to people or a deal that’s made with them. We have something to apologize for, to be sorry about, that America was somehow in the wrong, that there’s something to make up for so we must have a Day of Service.” (http://www.inflexwetrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/IFWT-OBAMA-SOUP-2-1.png) |