Title: Manchin’s strategy for surviving 2012 in a red state: Bash President Obama Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 14, 2011, 08:51:59 AM http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/181361-manchins-strategy-for-surviving-2012-in-a-red-state-bash-obama-?page=2#comments
BAMAWV - how do you like the former demrat governor now turned demrat senator? If he is so conservative why hasn't he switched parties in "West By God Virginia"? If Manchins takes a high powered rifle and shoots a picture of BHO, would you write him a big fat check for his PAC? Quote Manchin’s approval rating has climbed steadily since January, and one of his strongest potential Republican challengers, Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), is considered a long-shot candidate in 2012. Manchin said he has “fundamental disagreements on the government’s role” with the Obama administration and stressed he is speaking out as a West Virginian, and “not as a Democrat.” Data released last week by Public Policy Polling found Manchin’s approval rating is now 59 percent, while his disapproval rating is only 26 percent. Manchin won a 2010 special election to replace the late Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) by 10 points. He’s running next year for his first full term in the Senate. Manchin’s biggest differences with Obama have been over environmental policies and the efforts of the president’s Environmental Protection Agency to curb carbon emissions, which he famously demonstrated in his 2010 television ad, in which he shot a copy of cap-and-trade climate legislation with a high-powered hunting rifle. Title: Re: Manchin’s strategy for surviving 2012 in a red state: Bash President Obama Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 14, 2011, 12:07:04 PM :popcorn2:
Title: Re: Manchin’s strategy for surviving 2012 in a red state: Bash President Obama Post by: BAMAWV on September 17, 2011, 12:04:18 AM Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 3-1 in WV. But the Democratic voter is now realizing, since 2000, that the Democratic Party of his/her Fathers and Grandfathers, no longer exists. Even the union vote, which the Democrats have always taken for granted, has been pillaged to the point of WV voting Republican in the last 3 presidential elections.
Why don't they change parties? One reason is stubborness, another is laziness, but mainly because local politics still have Democratic control. Many, many Democratic candidates run unopposed in the general elections. They stuck with KKK Byrd because he brought home the bacon as chairman of theSenate Appropriations Committee. Rockefeller, although too dumb to realize it, is being reelected simply due to his seniority in Washington. Obama is on record saying (mid-November 2008) that he will intentionally bankrupt the coal industry through taxation and green regulation. Our state economy is based on coal dollars and West Virginia votes are "Friends of Coal". Racism is also a huge part of this equation. Manchin has to run away from that (Obama and the libs). Personally, I vote for the man I feel best qualified. I do it regardless of party affiliation. Luckily, the best man has ALWAYS been Republican. I hope this helps. Title: Re: Manchin’s strategy for surviving 2012 in a red state: Bash President Obama Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 17, 2011, 10:45:26 AM Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 3-1 in WV. But the Democratic voter is now realizing, since 2000, that the Democratic Party of his/her Fathers and Grandfathers, no longer exists. Even the union vote, which the Democrats have always taken for granted, has been pillaged to the point of WV voting Republican in the last 3 presidential elections. Why don't they change parties? One reason is stubborness, another is laziness, but mainly because local politics still have Democratic control. Many, many Democratic candidates run unopposed in the general elections. They stuck with KKK Byrd because he brought home the bacon as chairman of theSenate Appropriations Committee. Rockefeller, although too dumb to realize it, is being reelected simply due to his seniority in Washington. Obama is on record saying (mid-November 2008) that he will intentionally bankrupt the coal industry through taxation and green regulation. Our state economy is based on coal dollars and West Virginia votes are "Friends of Coal". Racism is also a huge part of this equation. Manchin has to run away from that (Obama and the libs). Personally, I vote for the man I feel best qualified. I do it regardless of party affiliation. Luckily, the best man has ALWAYS been Republican. I hope this helps. Sen Shelby was a demrat for years and then changed parties. Our senators do ok. Just elected Bently for Gov. and a Rep. statehouse for first time in decades. Alabama still has demrats that run unopposed but not like they did before. I live in a congressinal district that will never elect a GOP rep. unless refigured. The district runs from west Bham down interstate Tuscaloosa to Green county and back up highway 80 thru Selma and then into Montgomery. Forms a huge < shape. About ten years ago we had Earl Hilliard for rep, gaddafi's buddy. Geeeez! Title: Re: Manchin’s strategy for surviving 2012 in a red state: Bash President Obama Post by: ricky023 on September 17, 2011, 10:55:33 AM hey i can remember in Alabama when if a Wallace run no matter which one on a Democratic ticket they would win. The Alabama of old is not the Alabama of today, we woke up and learned that the 2 parties have changed about face at 180 degrees. What use the be the democractic fighter for us is now the Republican party. I know the Repubs don't like to Tax the wealthy but there is more than Taxation needed today. RTR!