Title: 'Obama: If you love me, pass my jobs bill' Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 14, 2011, 05:37:50 PM http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.73fa2bce50221a12ab98013337927324.411&show_article=1
Quote US President Barack Obama told fired up supporters Wednesday that if they loved him, they must help pass his jobs bill, injecting more urgency into his push for key legislation. Obama hit another key 2012 electoral swing state, North Carolina, to hike pressure on Republicans over his $447 billion American Jobs Act which is designed to jolt the economy and ease 9.1 percent unemployment. One supporter from the raucous crowd shouted to Obama that they loved him, and in a standard response from his 2008 campaign he replied "I love you back" then added a new twist. "If you love me, you got to help me pass this bill," Obama said, repeating the line to more cheers. Obama's appeal may work with his supportive political base, but will cut little ice with Republicans seeking to exploit his diminished job approval ratings which are at 44 percent in a RealClearPolitics average of recent polls. :-* |