Title: Tweets from #attackwatch Too funny! Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 14, 2011, 09:31:10 PM BarackObama Barack Obama
We've launched a new way to track and respond to attacks against President Obama: #AttackWatch. Check it out: http://www.attackwatch.com JasonBWhitman Policy Chairman Rumor has it somebody is selling guns to Mexican drug lords. Please look into this. #AttackWatch DLoesch Dana Loesch So glad #attackwatch is here to dispel those unfounded attacks involving Solyndra, Gibson, Fast and Furious, Gulf moratorium, NBPP, etc. JonahNRO Jonah Goldberg Ok I'm off to bed. Don't tell #attackwatch. BradThor Brad Thor Drawing a blank here.... What do you call a leader who encourages people to inform on neighbors, co-workers... Don't tell me... #attackwatch JonahNRO Jonah Goldberg Hey #attackwatch, my neighbor parked in front of my house again. I mean he thinks Solyndra is shady. Can you "take care" of him? [wink] michellemalkin Michelle Malkin Obama's $5 billion stimulus-funded weatherization program is a BUST. #greenjobsfail #attackwatch http://is.gd/bDlu9a thorninaz thorninaz #attackwatch I saw someone purposely squeeze the Charmin in the grocery store FullMtlPatriot FullMetalPatriot Attack Watch, new Obama campaign site to ‘fight smears,’ becomes laughing stock of the Internet http://wapo.st/oPEwUJ #attackwatch #tcot JTS_1957 John I want to thank the DNC for #attackwatch, I haven't laughed so hard in months ! fuzislippers Fuzzy Slippers Dear #attackwatch my neighbor won't give me all her money even though she makes more than me. Look into this please. KyllikiT Kylliki Tonnemaa Want 2 report US Attorney General Eric Holder for probably lying he was not aware of Fast&Furios #AttackWatch er..nevermind..wrong hashtag RichEardley Rich Eardley Our $535M 'investment' results in 1,100 workers laid off. Was this one of Obama's Jobs Plans? #AttackWatch #Solyndra dglade Dennis Glade RT @InGodIDoTrust: Hello #AttackWatch ? I ordered some solar panels from Solyndra and I never got them. #tco cameronftwrth Chad C. #attackwatch I ate a qtr pound cheese burger big gulp and large fry for lunch and drove in my big V8 truck DearRuler Barry Obama @AttackWatch My kindergarten teacher said I didn't play well with others. You know what to do... #AttackWatch RichV63 Rich RT- Dear #attackwatch I was peeking through my neighbor's window again-as ordered, and I spotted a BIBLE, a GUN, and an American FLAG. Help! RepublicKen Ken Hampton Yikes! #attackwatch Giant shark off San Diego shore dwilli539 David Williams Hey #AttackWatch, Someone is giving Illegal aliens guns and letting them take them back over the border to Mexico. Please Investigate!! kentuckygirl729 Laura Coulter Politics bore me sometimes, but #attackwatch has to be the single most entertaining trend I've seen. ChuckHarding53 Chuck Harding @ You should report this on #attackwatch B-) @seananmcguire Mom is swearing at the cats for pooping too much. It's funny because it's true. MalAdOsteo MalAdOsteo Some lunatic is trying to extort $500 Billion from the American ppl by telling them they're going to die in bridge collapses. #AttackWatch SlickeryTrigger War Child @ @GaltsGirl #AttackWatch I'm wondering, @attackwatch...will Obama have the Black Vans he sends after me made in America... or Pakistan??? brassman5 Anthony Chiporo People are saying Obama thinks there are 57 states. Is this true? #AttackWatch JohnnySunshine5 John Sunno RT- Dear #attackwatch I was peeking through my neighbor's window again-as ordered, and I spotted a BIBLE, a GUN, and an American FLAG. Help lbcoach1960 thomas siler hey #attackwatch gm wont fix my car and bho won't return my calls dWheel8321 DWheel #Obama has chased big business out of the country now he's chasing the rich out of the country. Only ones left is the poor. #attackwatch _Hate_Hippies Alex P Keaton #attackwatch I here a group of a-holes in DC are selling guns to drug cartels. Can you check it out? @AttackWatch walkerva Leanne Walker GE is a big company and they haven't hired me. They are obstructing the Obama dream by making profit. Shut them down! #attackwatch @72811 Foebia #Attackwatch janet napolitano doing well after prostate surgery brassman5 Anthony Chiporo My neighbor's tires are not properly inflated, and I know for a FACT he hasn't had a tune-up in years. #AttackWatch CWPFoster Clive W. Foster #attackwatch- to the nation is what these people do. They MUST be stopped. You can find them easily, because they call themselves Democrats! jpegs1 Jason Smith Hey #attackwatch, I spotted a minivan full of TeaParty Terrorists. Small ones had ice cream cone shaped weapons. Please investigate!! napierc78 Chris Napier #attackwatch some ex-congressman just tweeted me a picture of his junk. Hanniballa Jake G The temps dropped down into the 40's tonight. That's Obama approval rating territory! So I'm reporting the temp to @attackwatch #attackwatch Eff2020 Eff2020 #attackwatch, my cat's breath smells like cat food. HT @defensegirl35 ReconChesty Gunny Highway I need to report my dog to #AttackWatch !! She growls at the TV everytime Obama's face is on it!! #tcot jwigderson james wigderson Hello, #attackwatch? Some jackass is trying to make the president look bad. The jackass' address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Go get 'im. noway90 Dave B. #attackwatch Danger for America. Obama & DOJ sent drug cartels in Mexico assault weapons. WHAT? Wrong attack type? What good are you then? TSimm246 Tom Simmons Mommy Mommy! The dog threw up and jimmy's getting the chunky pieces! Send in #attackwatch uglybagofwater Sean NASA is claiming the lunar landing is real! #attackwatch cameronftwrth Chad C. #attackwatch my wife is forcing me to watch reality tv all night please make her stop SpencerMeads Spencer Meads Kids down the street had a lemonade stand with no permit #attackwatch Title: Re: Tweets from #attackwatch Too funny! Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 14, 2011, 09:45:24 PM :lol:
I feel better now. I am glad this has turned into a huge embarrassment, as it should be. Title: Re: Tweets from #attackwatch Too funny! Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 14, 2011, 09:53:28 PM Thousands of jokes. Trending accross America all the way to Europe. It has only been going for a little over a day 1 day. I laughed and laughed.
Title: Re: Tweets from #attackwatch Too funny! Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 14, 2011, 10:06:54 PM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XYKRokgX00
Title: Re: Tweets from #attackwatch Too funny! Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 14, 2011, 10:37:49 PM RV717 RV717
My dog just threw a hump into the neighbor's poodle without the help of any union labor #attackwatch echarnock Ed Charnock Check out #attackwatch. Hysterical. Probably not the reaction the WH hoped for kurtismarsh Kurtis Marsh #ifyouloveme MT @BradThor: If only #Obama admin could create an atmosphere where jobs materialized as quickly as #attackwatch jokes!”” Ace_Gagnon Joseph Gagnon BHO, my wife said she would vote for HRC if it guaranteed getting rid of you. Please detain her. #attackwatch dennygirltwo Prudence STILL LAUGHING CAN'T STOP!"@tweetin009: Hi #attackwatch, someone just called Jay Carney a ferret COTeaTweets Colorado Tea Tweets Playing #attackwatch game is the most popular thing @BarackObama has created. Title: Re: Tweets from #attackwatch Too funny! Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 14, 2011, 11:09:38 PM #+
Some of those are hilarious. Keep 'em coming. |