Title: Obama’s Jobs Plan: Permanent Tax Hikes on Job Creators Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 15, 2011, 08:48:44 AM http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2011/09/Obamas-Jobs-Plan-Permanent-Tax-Hikes-on-Job-Creators
Obamar: Pass this bill. It's paid for. Yeah, it's paid for with others people's money! Quote This week, he released his own proposals to pay for the plan. To no one’s surprise, the plan would offset the costs of its jobs policies solely with tax hikes and not one penny of spending reductions. The tax increases the President proposes are the same old hodgepodge of tax hikes he has proposed often since taking office, and they have been rejected by Democratic and Republican Congresses alike each time he’s pushed for them. In the end, the tax hikes would be permanent while the jobs policies temporary; thus, the proposal is really a tax hike plan rather than a jobs plan. Tax Hike on Job Creators Almost all of the $447 billion in increased revenue called for by President Obama would come from raising taxes on job creators,[1] the same job creators whom President Obama wants to hire more workers to reduce the unemployment rate. Title: Re: Obama’s Jobs Plan: Permanent Tax Hikes on Job Creators Post by: pmull on September 15, 2011, 09:19:20 AM This is a stupid plan. Business owners need tax breaks and incentives to grow their companies and hire employees. Between tax increases and health insurance costs small business owners would be better off to put their money in a secure money market than to risk it all in this economy. Obama needs to do something to stimulate this economy quick. What he is presently doing is not working.
Title: Re: Obama’s Jobs Plan: Permanent Tax Hikes on Job Creators Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 15, 2011, 09:26:09 AM Many of them put their money into overseas stock markets and investments causing job creation there not here.