Title: Food Police - Michelle Obama to join Olive Garden announcement Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 16, 2011, 05:28:01 AM http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1366055&srvc=rss
#attackwatch @MO I am reporting these kids just ordered a Biggie fries without an adult present! Plus a 32 oz big Gulp! Quote WASHINGTON — Encouraged by Michelle Obama’s campaign to reduce childhood obesity, the company that owns the Olive Garden, Red Lobster and four other popular restaurant chains is pledging to cut the calories and sodium in its meals and overhaul its kids’ fare. All kids’ meals will automatically come with a side of fruit or vegetables and eight ounces of 1 percent milk unless an adult requests a substitute, Drew Madsen, president and chief operating officer of Orlando, Fla.-based Darden, told The Associated Press. "We think it’s the most comprehensive health and wellness commitment in the industry," he said. Darden’s restaurants serve more than 400 million meals annually at more than 1,900 locations nationwide. Its four other restaurant chains are LongHorn Steakhouse, The Capital Grille, Bahama Breeze and Seasons 52. The Capital Grille and Seasons 52 do not have children’s menus. What ever happened to good parenting, "Shutup and we'll go to Mickie Dees for a Happy Meal" Title: Re: Food Police - Michelle Obama to join Olive Garden announcement Post by: ssmith general on September 16, 2011, 08:26:18 AM http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1366055&srvc=rss #attackwatch @MO I am reporting these kids just ordered a Biggie fries without an adult present! Plus a 32 oz big Gulp! Quote WASHINGTON — Encouraged by Michelle Obama’s campaign to reduce childhood obesity, the company that owns the Olive Garden, Red Lobster and four other popular restaurant chains is pledging to cut the calories and sodium in its meals and overhaul its kids’ fare. All kids’ meals will automatically come with a side of fruit or vegetables and eight ounces of 1 percent milk unless an adult requests a substitute, Drew Madsen, president and chief operating officer of Orlando, Fla.-based Darden, told The Associated Press. "We think it’s the most comprehensive health and wellness commitment in the industry," he said. Darden’s restaurants serve more than 400 million meals annually at more than 1,900 locations nationwide. Its four other restaurant chains are LongHorn Steakhouse, The Capital Grille, Bahama Breeze and Seasons 52. The Capital Grille and Seasons 52 do not have children’s menus. What ever happened to good parenting, "Shutup and we'll go to Mickie Dees for a Happy Meal" Those kids grew up to be obese with type 2 diabetes. |