Title: "Mississippi State at Alabama by the numbers: Tide 1 win from joining short list" Post by: WALL-E on November 12, 2016, 06:00:09 AM Mississippi State at Alabama by the numbers: Tide 1 win from joining short list
Title: Re: "Mississippi State at Alabama by the numbers: Tide 1 win from joining short list" Post by: Chechem on November 12, 2016, 06:16:57 AM Quote 378 Punt-return yards have been compiled by Alabama this season, the most in the nation. Four Crimson Tide players have combined to average 17.18 yards per punt return in 2016. Mississippi State has given up an average of 15.86 yards per punt return this season, the worst rate in the SEC. :clap: :clap: :jump: :popcorn2: |