Title: NCAA and University of North Carol Squaring Off on Another Notice of Allegations Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 22, 2016, 07:34:30 PM This will end up being bloody mess. UNC will never admit wrongdoing in their precious basketball program.
Quote North Carolina again faces an NCAA charge for providing improper extra benefits tied to its multi-year academic fraud scandal. The school on Thursday released a third Notice of Allegations (NOA) from the NCAA that outlines rules violations. The notice, dated Dec. 13, includes rewording a charge that had been removed from the first version filed in May 2015 that was tied to athletes' access to the irregular courses on the Chapel Hill campus. That charge, originally tied to conduct by academic counselors, now focuses on two former staffers in that department while also citing them for violating "principles of ethical conduct." http://www.wralsportsfan.com/unc-again-faces-ncaa-extra-benefits-charge-in-academic-case/16363327/ :popcorn2: |