Title: Bold Prediction from the Clemson Tide: We Can be a Dynasty like Alabama Post by: Marshal Dillon on January 08, 2017, 06:05:18 PM Quote Thad Turnipseed's already made the invitation. Dabo Swinney's right-hand man has told Terry Saban that she and her husband are welcome to visit Clemson's new $55-million, 140,000-square-foot football complex anytime. Quote "Nick wants to be the best, and we're the new standard." He meant the new standard in football buildings. As a football program, Clemson hasn't reached Alabama status yet, but Swinney and company are working on it. Quote "It might not be this year, but we will win the national championship here at Clemson," Turnipseed said. "I think we're going to win a lot of them. I think we can be a dynasty just like Alabama's a dynasty right now." METH HEAD ALERT!! (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dy8qBpWQrp4/hqdefault.jpg) http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2017/01/bold_prediction_from_a_key_mem.html#incart_river_home :o |