Title: Three yards or a cloud of dust Post by: Terrie1959 on September 19, 2011, 07:54:18 AM “I’ve never seen anything like that,” Lacy said. “When we broke it was 30 or 40 plus yards, but when we ran short plays it seemed we only got a few yards.” Lacy and Richardson both had career days. Lacy rushed for 163 yards on nine carries. Lacy racked up most of his runs on just two plays, 43 and 67-yard touchdown runs. The 67-yard scamper was the longest in Lacy’s career. “That is one of the best feelings as a running back,” Lacy said. “You don’t have to worry about anybody touching you or hitting you. The offensive line did what they are supposed to do and the wide receivers blocked down field, just scoring a touchdown is one of the best feelings ever.” http://cw.ua.edu/2011/09/19/three-yards-or-a-cloud-of-dust/ (http://cw.ua.edu/2011/09/19/three-yards-or-a-cloud-of-dust/) |