Title: Remember the Rose Bowl - Irene Dunne and the 1931 Rose Bowl Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 19, 2011, 09:59:02 AM Quote http://www.rosebowlhistory.org/rose-bowl-1931.php The Rose Bowl is enlarged to seat 81,000, just in time for the fans to see Wallace Wade's Alabama (9-0) administer a 24-0 defeat to previously unbeaten Washington State (9-0). Jimmy "Hurry" Cain at the controls, engineers a decisive attack that produces three second quarter touchdowns with Monk Campbell tallying twice, gaining 114 yards. http://www.remembertherosebowl.com/2011/09/irene-dunne-and-1931-rose-bowl.html In a 1990 interview with the Spokane, Washington Spokesman-Review, Washington State tailback Tuffy Ellingsen recalled the team's encounter with Dunne. "Before the game she came out and met in our huddle," he said. "Irene had a little speech. She said, 'We want good sportsmanship. We want good relations between the teams.' One of our guys said, 'We'd rather have good relations with you, Irene.'" I love those 1931 Crimson Tide uniforms and helmets. Title: Re: Remember the Rose Bowl - Irene Dunne and the 1931 Rose Bowl Post by: cbbama99 on September 19, 2011, 10:19:11 AM Quote http://www.rosebowlhistory.org/rose-bowl-1931.php The Rose Bowl is enlarged to seat 81,000, just in time for the fans to see Wallace Wade's Alabama (9-0) administer a 24-0 defeat to previously unbeaten Washington State (9-0). Jimmy "Hurry" Cain at the controls, engineers a decisive attack that produces three second quarter touchdowns with Monk Campbell tallying twice, gaining 114 yards. http://www.remembertherosebowl.com/2011/09/irene-dunne-and-1931-rose-bowl.html In a 1990 interview with the Spokane, Washington Spokesman-Review, Washington State tailback Tuffy Ellingsen recalled the team's encounter with Dunne. "Before the game she came out and met in our huddle," he said. "Irene had a little speech. She said, 'We want good sportsmanship. We want good relations between the teams.' One of our guys said, 'We'd rather have good relations with you, Irene.'" I love those 1931 Crimson Tide uniforms and helmets. Great story, but writer got the name wrong. Johnny "Hurry" Cain, not Jimmy. |