Title: "Grand jury in LSU's Jordan Jefferson case to convene Wednesday" Post by: Chechem on September 20, 2011, 05:51:01 AM Quote Testimonies in front of a grand jury in the case of LSU quarterback Jordan Jefferson and linebacker Josh Johns are set to begin on Wednesday, TigerBait.com is reporting via District Attorney Hillar Moore. Jefferson and Johns have both been charged with second-degree battery following their alleged involvement in a brawl outside a local bar back on Aug. 19. It was previously believed the case would indeed be heading before a grand jury. Multiple witnesses to the event have given conflicting reports as to who started the brawl, as well as Jefferson’s role in the incident. Local police have seized nearly 50 pairs of shoes from Jefferson in an attempt to identify if it was Jefferson who kicked one victim – Andrew Lowery — in the head during the fight. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/09/19/grand-jury-in-jefferson-case-to-convene-wednesday/ Title: Re: "Grand jury in LSU's Jordan Jefferson case to convene Wednesday" Post by: Chechem on September 20, 2011, 06:47:57 AM If the testimonies are conflicting (as reported), JJ could walk.
He may play against us yet. If so, everybody had better keep their helmets on. :) Title: Re: "Grand jury in LSU's Jordan Jefferson case to convene Wednesday" Post by: Jamos on September 20, 2011, 07:19:34 AM If the testimonies are conflicting (as reported), JJ could walk. He may play against us yet. If so, everybody had better keep their helmets on. :) I think the shoes will be the difference in if he walks or not, that is if any evidence was on them. Title: Re: "Grand jury in LSU's Jordan Jefferson case to convene Wednesday" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 20, 2011, 07:22:20 AM I thought that a grand jury met in secret.
Title: Re: "Grand jury in LSU's Jordan Jefferson case to convene Wednesday" Post by: McBaman on September 20, 2011, 10:22:08 AM Even if JJ walks (with his 50 pairs of shoes) he still will have missed 4 - 6 games depending on how fast the legal system moves. So he may get back for Bama but he'll be playing catch-up in terms of 2011 game experience.
But what's interesting to me is that we look on JJ as a potential difference maker. Do you think LSU looks at AJ that way? Title: Re: "Grand jury in LSU's Jordan Jefferson case to convene Wednesday" Post by: pmull on September 20, 2011, 10:28:04 AM Even if JJ walks (with his 50 pairs of shoes) he still will have missed 4 - 6 games depending on how fast the legal system moves. So he may get back for Bama but he'll be playing catch-up in terms of 2011 game experience. But what's interesting to me is that we look on JJ as a potential difference maker. Do you think LSU looks at AJ that way? I think we look at JJ as a potential difference maker only because no one had confidence in Jarret "Pick 6" Lee. Lee has played well so far. When Lee plays well he is better than JJ. Lee beat us last year, not JJ. |