Title: Apple’s Next Event to Be Held on October 4, Starring Its New CEO / iPhone 5? Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 21, 2011, 05:45:12 PM http://allthingsd.com/20110921/apple-to-hold-special-event-on-october-4/
Quote Tuesday, Oct. 4. That’s the day Apple is currently expected to hold its next big media event, according to sources close to the situation, where the tech giant will unveil the next iteration of its popular iPhone. While there have been a lot of conflicting reports about the exact timing of the event, including some that pegged it as taking place this month, AllThingsD had previously posted that the rollout of the iPhone 5 would be in October. While Apple could certainly change its plans anytime, sources said that the Oct. 4 date has been selected by the company to showcase the iPhone 5. Sources added that the plan is now to make the new device available for purchase within a few weeks after the announcement. And while the iPhone 5 is a much-anticipated handset, the event itself has a lot more importance for Apple than many previous ones. That’s because it will be newly installed CEO Tim Cook’s first big product introduction, and the place where the public will get a first lengthy impression of him that may well set the tone for Cook’s new role. And that’s why, said sources, although he’s never quarterbacked an Apple product announcement before, Cook is certain to preside over the iPhone 5 rollout. PS. In a speech today in South Africa Al Gore- Apple Board Member - mentioned the new iPhones would be realeased in October. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_TEC_APPLE_NEW_IPHONE?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-09-21-17-07-28 Quote AP source: Al Gore says 'new iPhones' out in Oct. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Apple hasn't said when it will release the next version of the iPhone, but former Vice President and current Apple Inc. board member Al Gore believes "new iPhones" will be here in October. Gore spoke Wednesday at the Discovery Invest Leadership Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. Toby Shapshak, a summit attendee and the editor of Stuff Magazine's South African edition, told The Associated Press that, when speaking about computing's exponential growth, Gore said, "Not to mention the new iPhones coming out next month. That was a plug." Gore's comments, which Shapshak said he recorded on his iPhone, were reported earlier by TheNextWeb. If Gore is right, that could indicate Apple will introduce more than one model. An Apple spokesman declined to comment. A new iPhone is expected this fall. Title: Re: Apple’s Next Event to Be Held on October 4, Starring Its New CEO / iPhone 5? Post by: navychief on September 21, 2011, 06:16:51 PM Credible news sources are saying no Iphone 5 just the Iphone 4s and an Ipod Touch with 3g capabilities.
Title: Re: Apple’s Next Event to Be Held on October 4, Starring Its New CEO / iPhone 5? Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 21, 2011, 06:34:25 PM Cool. I don't have a iPhone. My daughter is crazy about hers. I have friends that love theirs as well.
I have a cheap Boost Mobile. |