Title: Alabama Football Finds Its Way to an 85 Man Roster Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 11, 2017, 10:04:15 PM Good info.
Quote Earlier today, Brent wrote about the new roster release of Alabama players and some weight changes. Now, we will tackle the scholarship numbers. By my count, there are 85 scholarship players if you include blueshirts, OL Hunter Brannon and kicker Joseph Bulovas, but omitting grayshirt Jarez Parks and walk-ons Jamey Mosley, Levi Wallace, and Andy Pappanastos. Mosley and Wallace have earned scholarships in the past but only on a semester basis. Pappanastos may have as well but it is unclear. https://www.rollbamaroll.com/2017/7/11/15952484/alabama-crimson-tide-football-finds-its-way-to-85-man-roster-2017-blueshirt-grayshirt :popcorn2: Title: Re: Alabama Football Finds Its Way to an 85 Man Roster Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 11, 2017, 10:09:09 PM Quote Summer Enrollees WR #6- Devonta Smith, 6’1” 165 WR #11- Henry Ruggs III, 6’0” 175 TE #44- Kedrick James, 6’5” 272 OL #62- Hunter Brannon, 6’4” 290 OL#60- Kendall Randolph, 6’4” 309 DL #89- LaBryan Ray, 6’5” 272 DL #93- Phidarian Mathis, 6’4” 309 LB #36- Markail Benton, 6’2” 237 LB #43- VanDarius Cowan, 6’4” 236 LB #4- Christopher Allen, 6’4” 239 CB #26- Kyriq McDonald, 5’11” 195 K #97- Joseph Bulovas, 6’0” 212 Of note: Kedrick James has REALLY bulked up. He was more in the 235-240 range in high school, but made it to campus at 272. We had been questioning his signing around here, but with that kind of size, it looks like Saban might have plans for him to be a goal line blocker. https://www.rollbamaroll.com/2017/7/11/15950484/alabama-football-2017-preseason-roster-update-daron-payne-freshmen-summer-enrollees-weight-changes :clap: Title: Re: Alabama Football Finds Its Way to an 85 Man Roster Post by: ricky023 on July 12, 2017, 05:15:11 PM Quote Summer Enrollees WR #6- Devonta Smith, 6’1” 165 WR #11- Henry Ruggs III, 6’0” 175 TE #44- Kedrick James, 6’5” 272 OL #62- Hunter Brannon, 6’4” 290 OL#60- Kendall Randolph, 6’4” 309 DL #89- LaBryan Ray, 6’5” 272 DL #93- Phidarian Mathis, 6’4” 309 LB #36- Markail Benton, 6’2” 237 LB #43- VanDarius Cowan, 6’4” 236 LB #4- Christopher Allen, 6’4” 239 CB #26- Kyriq McDonald, 5’11” 195 K #97- Joseph Bulovas, 6’0” 212 Of note: Kedrick James has REALLY bulked up. He was more in the 235-240 range in high school, but made it to campus at 272. We had been questioning his signing around here, but with that kind of size, it looks like Saban might have plans for him to be a goal line blocker. https://www.rollbamaroll.com/2017/7/11/15950484/alabama-football-2017-preseason-roster-update-daron-payne-freshmen-summer-enrollees-weight-changes :clap: Man with that type of size if he has any strength he should be a 3rd or 4th down type man for sure. RTR! |