Title: Da'Shawn Hand DUI..... Post by: McBaman on July 29, 2017, 09:42:54 AM Uh-oh....
https://www.tidesports.com/dashawn-hand-arrested-dui/ Not good. NOT!!!! Title: Re: Da'Shawn Hand DUI..... Post by: 2Stater on July 29, 2017, 09:43:45 AM :wall:
Title: Re: Da'Shawn Hand DUI..... Post by: Chechem on July 29, 2017, 09:48:43 AM I was going to write a thread saying, "This week we find out if anybody misbehaved during the off season."
:wall: Title: Re: Da'Shawn Hand DUI..... Post by: ricky023 on July 29, 2017, 01:31:51 PM Is stupidity a part of pre fall practice every year? Drinking and trying to get in shape for football he must have heard his own Press like a lot of others. God please help this child learn reasoning. RTR!
Title: Re: Da'Shawn Hand DUI..... Post by: bamalum67 on July 29, 2017, 03:53:47 PM we are gonna have this kind of crap as long as CNS recruits these borderline thugs..and Preacher..he ain't no child..he's old enough to know right from wrong.other young men his age are being shot at and killed in the service of this country.
and all this kind of crap just proves that the ncaa made a mistake when they outlawed the athletic dorms..at least the coaches could keep an eye on the thugs. My prediction for the season just took a dive. no team cohesion. Title: Re: Da'Shawn Hand DUI..... Post by: McBaman on July 29, 2017, 04:35:15 PM we are gonna have this kind of crap as long as CNS recruits these borderline thugs..and Preacher..he ain't no child..he's old enough to know right from wrong.other young men his age are being shot at and killed in the service of this country. and all this kind of crap just proves that the ncaa made a mistake when they outlawed the athletic dorms..at least the coaches could keep an eye on the thugs. My prediction for the season just took a dive. no team cohesion. A couple of the (supposed) team leaders recently commented on how leadership "let little things slide" toward the end of the season last year, and that showed up vs. Clemson. Well...here's a test for the leaders. Deal with this the right way or it will get worse. CNS probably already thinking that. Title: Re: Da'Shawn Hand DUI..... Post by: carl childers on July 30, 2017, 09:16:08 AM Curse words. Lots and lots of curse words.