Title: "Alabama's Da'Shawn Hand won't be suspended after DUI charge" Post by: WALL-E on August 03, 2017, 06:09:03 PM Alabama's Da'Shawn Hand won't be suspended after DUI charge
Title: Re: "Alabama's Da'Shawn Hand won't be suspended after DUI charge" Post by: Chechem on August 03, 2017, 07:41:27 PM Best sentence of Saban's career:
Quote "Da'Shawn put himself in a bad situation, obviously made a mistake being where he was at the time," Saban said. "...but the fact that he didn't drive the car, which is what we tell the players not to do a and it's not OK that he was drinking, with me, and that's a behavioral issue that needs to be addressed, and we will address it a but the fact that he didn't drive the car and wasn't driving the car and didn't put other people at risk, which to me is the most significant thing when you drive under the influence a but he didn't drive." :clap: Title: Re: "Alabama's Da'Shawn Hand won't be suspended after DUI charge" Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 03, 2017, 10:12:38 PM Best sentence of Saban's career: Quote "Da'Shawn put himself in a bad situation, obviously made a mistake being where he was at the time," Saban said. "...but the fact that he didn't drive the car, which is what we tell the players not to do a and it's not OK that he was drinking, with me, and that's a behavioral issue that needs to be addressed, and we will address it a but the fact that he didn't drive the car and wasn't driving the car and didn't put other people at risk, which to me is the most significant thing when you drive under the influence a but he didn't drive." :clap: How does he know he was not driving drunk before he went to sleep? I don't know if he was parked at a bar lot or an apartment lot where he had been partying, earlier. Bottom line is, by the law, he was DUI. :dog: |