Title: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: Catch Prothro on August 09, 2017, 06:34:55 AM Quote "OK, raise the SAT requirement at Alabama and see what kind of team they have. You lose athletes and then the product on the field suffers." http://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/20284353/josh-rosen-ucla-bruins-says-football-school-go-together-ponders-alabama-success-sat-requirement-raisedOK, J Rosen. Thanks for showing your ignorance. Academically, I'd take Jonathan Allen, Greg McElroy, etc. over JR. These guys also have something Rosen seems to lack, character. JR couldn't even get it done against paper thin Aggies defense last year. Also lost two years in a row to Stanford, which has higher academic standards and admissions policies than UCLA. Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: 2Stater on August 09, 2017, 06:37:50 AM I saw that on Sports Center last night. What a maroon!
Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: Chechem on August 09, 2017, 12:24:39 PM There are some maroon comments by this clown, but it brings up a HUGE ISSUE:
Can college football be sustained at serious universities? We all know that the tail is now wagging the dog. Schools modified their entrance requirements and curricula to attract and graduate players. The quality of education has been eroded. What's the future? Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: N.AL-Tider on August 09, 2017, 02:47:54 PM There are some maroon comments by this clown, but it brings up a HUGE ISSUE: We all learn to speak Chinese? :dunno:Can college football be sustained at serious universities? We all know that the tail is now wagging the dog. Schools modified their entrance requirements and curricula to attract and graduate players. The quality of education has been eroded. What's the future? Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: Chechem on August 09, 2017, 04:29:25 PM There are some maroon comments by this clown, but it brings up a HUGE ISSUE: We all learn to speak Chinese? :dunno:Can college football be sustained at serious universities? We all know that the tail is now wagging the dog. Schools modified their entrance requirements and curricula to attract and graduate players. The quality of education has been eroded. What's the future? You first. :lol2: Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 09, 2017, 05:22:06 PM 75% of students admitted to Alabama took the ACT, not SAT. However, please review this. Also, the University of Alabama had 155 Merit Scholarship Awardees enrolling at Alabama in 2016. UCLA had 43.
:lol3: :o :clap: http://www.nationalmerit.org/s/1758/images/gid2/editor_documents/annual_report.pdf?gid=2&pgid=61&no_cookie=1 Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 09, 2017, 05:30:59 PM Yeah, but what about Rhodes Scholars you ask? Rhodes Scholarships Number of Winners by Institution U.S. Rhodes Scholars 1904 ‐ 2017 University of Alabama 15 UCLA 11 Birmingham Southern 6 (enrollment 1300, UCLA 45,000) :lol2: Auburn 4 Samford 4 (http://campusbasement.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ucla-californians.jpg) http://www.rhodesscholar.org/assets/uploads/RS_Number%20of%20Winners%20by%20Institution_1_30_17.pdf Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: hscoach on August 16, 2017, 06:43:28 PM If you check the media guide, and I have, many of Bama players were recruited by many of what is considered the academic schools: Stanford, Mich, Notre Dame, Duke, Vandy, Boston College, UCLA etc.
Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 16, 2017, 08:02:14 PM If you check the media guide, and I have, many of Bama players were recruited by many of what is considered the academic schools: Stanford, Mich, Notre Dame, Duke, Vandy, Boston College, UCLA etc. Outstanding point. Thanks for the post. Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: bamaphil on August 17, 2017, 06:25:56 PM There are some maroon comments by this clown, but it brings up a HUGE ISSUE: Can college football be sustained at serious universities? We all know that the tail is now wagging the dog. Schools modified their entrance requirements and curricula to attract and graduate players. The quality of education has been eroded. What's the future? It's not limited to athletes though. College is big business now, so standards are lowered and grades are inflated to attract and retain as many paying customers as possible. Title: Re: Josh Rosen shows his ignorance. Post by: McBaman on August 18, 2017, 09:02:12 AM Geez...if it's that easy to make good grades maybe we should all go back to school and work on our PhDs...