Title: UNC Academic Scandal Follow-up Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 17, 2017, 07:31:44 PM I totally believe that a secretary did all this fraud for over 20 years and NO ONE knew anything. I wonder what her pay-off is to take all the blame?
:eyeroll: Quote When a contingent of UNC officials, coaches and their lawyers arrived at a Nashville hotel conference room Wednesday to argue their case before the NCAA’s Committee on Infractions, the former secretary at the center of the academic-athletic scandal wasn’t among them. Deborah Crowder had arrived 15 minutes earlier with her attorney, Elliot Abrams. They shook hands with an NCAA representative at a desk in front of the conference room. She gave a small smile as the representative put a band around her wrist identifying her as someone allowed into the hearing, which is closed to the public. Quote Crowder created scores of classes that had no instruction and that produced high grades for papers, igniting what became an 18-year shadow curriculum that scores of UNC athletes relied on to help them stay eligible to play. http://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/education/unc-scandal/article167574222.html Title: Re: UNC Academic Scandal Follow-up Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 17, 2017, 07:34:56 PM And Day 2, which was today, Thursday.
Quote UNC-Chapel Hill’s hearing with the NCAA Committee on Infractions resumed at 8:30 a.m. local time on Thursday, after the university and the committee met for nearly 10 hours on Wednesday. The hearing is expected to end at some point on Thursday, though it is unclear when. Roy Williams and Sylvia Hatchell, the UNC men’s and women’s basketball coaches who attended the first day of the proceedings, returned on Thursday. Larry Fedora, the football coach, has returned to North Carolina, as has Debby Crowder, who left after appearing on Wednesday. Quote The investigation began in June 2014. During the past three years, the NCAA has issued three notices of allegations, each one an attempt to build a case against a long-running system of bogus African Studies courses that the NCAA has alleged helped academically at-risk athletes maintain eligibility. http://www.newsobserver.com/sports/college/acc/unc/unc-now/article167711862.html Title: Re: UNC Academic Scandal Follow-up Post by: McBaman on August 17, 2017, 07:38:36 PM If UNC isn't hammered really hard after all this, then NCAA might as well dissolve like one of Trump's councils.
Title: Re: UNC Academic Scandal Follow-up Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 17, 2017, 11:33:54 PM If UNC isn't hammered really hard after all this, then NCAA might as well dissolve like one of Trump's councils. I think they may lose their 2005 & 2009 National Championships, for sure the 2009 title I think. I read these shenanigans go back to Dean Smith, maybe 25 years. They could have a ton of wins vacated and scholarships restricted. I think, at a minimum, the NCAA must take 1 NC, vacate 8-10 years of wins, and take 3-5 school's over 3 years. I expect UNC to fight them to the death if they lose a NC and maybe the wins. UNC has admitted nothing (she did it all) and are playing the victim. Not going to be pretty unless the NCAA hands out a slap on the wrist. :popcorn2: |