Title: Police: 91-year-old Albert Einsig threw urine on sidewalk to keep kids away Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 22, 2011, 08:57:44 PM http://www.wtsp.com/news/watercooler/article/211810/58/Police-91-year-old-threw-urine-on-sidewalk
Quote York, Penn. (WHP) -- A 91-year-old Pennsylvania man is cited for throwing urine on the sidewalk to keep neighborhood kids off his property. Our sister station WHP CBS 21 talked to this man, who admits to doing this. But he says he feels like he had no other choice. Albert Einsig says he has never had problems this bad with teenagers in his neighborhood. He also says he just wants those teens to leave him alone. "You know how long I live in this house? 63 years! 63 years!" Einsig explained. But lately, he says he's been kept up all night by neighborhood teens hanging out on his porch. He put up sheets to stop them from peering in, but still they antagonize him. "They bang on the door, bang bang, to get me out of bed," Einsig stated. He says the handicap sign in front of his home is what's behind the taunting. So that's why, at his wits end, the 91-year-old dumped a bucket with urine in it on his porch and down to the sidewalk. "Someone on the street out of all the people hollered 'That's a piss bucket!' Then that word got spread around to all the people out there!" Einsig commented. Title: Re: Police: 91-year-old Albert Einsig threw urine on sidewalk to keep kids away Post by: rueben on September 24, 2011, 10:37:53 AM Sounds like he was pissed off!
Title: Re: Police: 91-year-old Albert Einsig threw urine on sidewalk to keep kids away Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 24, 2011, 11:36:08 AM |