Title: Michael Jordan Makes More Now Than When He Played Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 23, 2011, 01:34:45 PM Looks like a nice retirement to me. :o
It’s good to be Michael Jordan. Even if you do own the Bobcats. Last year, Jordan made twice as much money as he did with his largest contract playing in the NBA, according to Forbes Magazine. In the 1996-97 season, Jordan made $30.1 million, the season after that $33.1 million. (The Riensdorf and Kraus broke up the Bulls.) By the way, before those years Jordan’s highest salary was $4 million, so the Bulls made a lot of money off him before they had to pay up. http://probasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/09/23/michael-jordan-makes-more-money-now-then-when-he-played/related/ |