Title: "Practice makes perfect for Alabama on fake field goal" Post by: Chechem on September 24, 2011, 10:41:12 PM Quote TUSCALOOSA, Alabama -- For the second time in the past three games, a fake kick sparked Alabama. Two weeks ago, a fake punt picked up a first down at Penn State, sparking a touchdown drive. This time, Alabama executed a fake field goal on its first possession. Holder and quarterback AJ McCarron threw a 37-yard touchdown pass, perfectly leading wide-open tight end Michael Williams toward the left sideline. "We've been practicing it for a long time, but I just finally said today that the first time we got in field goal range, regardless of the situation in the game -- whether we were ahead by 21 or behind by 21 -- we were going to run it," Alabama coach Nick Saban said. "AJ did a nice job on it, Mike did a nice job on it. If practice means anything, we executed it well." http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/09/practice_makes_perfect_for_ala.html |