Title: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: Chechem on October 13, 2017, 06:34:11 AM https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/auburn-football/report-auburn-investigating-alleged-cheating-scandal-within-football-program/
Naturally the Aubs are attacking the whistle-blowing student. :tinfoil: Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: pmull on October 13, 2017, 06:42:24 AM Fake news. Aubs denying everything.
They were quick to get their B'ham lawyer firm involved, They know how to cover sh*t up and make compliance problems go away. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: 2Stater on October 13, 2017, 07:52:27 AM Fake news. Aubs denying everything. They were quick to get their B'ham lawyer firm involved, They know how to cover sh*t up and make compliance problems go away. It worked for them during the $cam investigation. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 13, 2017, 09:50:13 AM Let's light this sucker! :lol2:
Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: McBaman on October 13, 2017, 10:27:07 AM Little, if anything, will come of this. It will be blamed on a rogue academic advisor, and maybe one student/player will get suspended or something. Hard for the player to say he didn't know when he knew he had a test and he knew he didn't take it.
Any infractions will stop short of touching the athletic dept or the team. That's the way the Barn does it. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: pmull on October 13, 2017, 01:35:20 PM Little, if anything, will come of this. It will be blamed on a rogue academic advisor, and maybe one student/player will get suspended or something. Hard for the player to say he didn't know when he knew he had a test and he knew he didn't take it. Any infractions will stop short of touching the athletic dept or the team. That's the way the Barn does it. If nothing else it devalues the worth of a barn diploma. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: pmull on October 13, 2017, 01:40:06 PM Let's light this sucker! :lol2: MD would be all over this but some of our posters ran him off. I did not always agree with MD but I enjoyed hearing his opinions. IMO one of our better posters. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: bama57 on October 13, 2017, 03:46:34 PM Let's light this sucker! :lol2: MD would be all over this but some of our posters ran him off. I did not always agree with MD but I enjoyed hearing his opinions. IMO one of our better posters. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: KoKoPuf on October 13, 2017, 05:22:43 PM Since the NCAA let UNC skate on over 1000 cases of this kind of violation, I assume all schools can do this without any problems.
Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 13, 2017, 05:35:18 PM Let's light this sucker! :lol2: MD would be all over this but some of our posters ran him off. I did not always agree with MD but I enjoyed hearing his opinions. IMO one of our better posters. That surprises me too. His last post said he would "self-moderate" and he hasn't been back since. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: 2Stater on October 13, 2017, 06:01:02 PM Since the NCAA let UNC skate on over 1000 cases of this kind of violation, I assume all schools can do this without any problems. ^^^This. Since UNC skated, absolutely nothing will come of this. I completely expect for Ole Miss to walk, as well. What a complete, unadulterated joke the NCAA is. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: McBaman on October 13, 2017, 10:43:35 PM Since the NCAA let UNC skate on over 1000 cases of this kind of violation, I assume all schools can do this without any problems. ^^^This. Since UNC skated, absolutely nothing will come of this. I completely expect for Ole Miss to walk, as well. What a complete, unadulterated joke the NCAA is. NCAA may have enough indisputable evidence vs. OM. And they are really egg-faced right now after completely missing the BB scandal. So they may hit OM pretty hard to regain a modicum of relevance. Title: Re: "Aubs investigating alleged cheating scandal within football program" Post by: Catch Prothro on October 14, 2017, 01:22:03 AM Let's light this sucker! :lol2: MD would be all over this but some of our posters ran him off. I did not always agree with MD but I enjoyed hearing his opinions. IMO one of our better posters. That surprises me too. His last post said he would "self-moderate" and he hasn't been back since. I posted what I thought was good-natured ribbing of MD. Someone then posted something a bit more harsh which was later deleted. Haven't seen MD since. ??? |