Title: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: cbbama99 on September 26, 2011, 04:18:08 PM I've heard of crazy things being buried with people, but this might top them all:
http://news.yahoo.com/man-credited-creating-doritos-dies-dallas-044515228.html Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: BAMAWV on September 26, 2011, 04:35:44 PM I've heard of crazy things being buried with people, but this might top them all: Kinda/sorta makes you want to curl up with a $1.69 bagful of 'em, doesn't it CB?http://news.yahoo.com/man-credited-creating-doritos-dies-dallas-044515228.html Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: cbbama99 on September 26, 2011, 04:37:24 PM I've heard of crazy things being buried with people, but this might top them all: Kinda/sorta makes you want to curl up with a $1.69 bagful of 'em, doesn't it CB?http://news.yahoo.com/man-credited-creating-doritos-dies-dallas-044515228.html I think my casket will have Krispy Kreme doughnuts in it. :D Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: KoKoPuf on September 27, 2011, 09:40:15 AM Add a little "Hot Doughnuts" neon sign to your tombstone and you are all set.
Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: 2Stater on September 27, 2011, 09:53:33 AM I've heard of crazy things being buried with people, but this might top them all: http://news.yahoo.com/man-credited-creating-doritos-dies-dallas-044515228.html The worst thing about that is he will be all orangey from the nacho cheese coating. Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 27, 2011, 10:08:46 AM http://www.autoblog.com/2009/03/16/rest-in-pickup-man-buried-in-1967-chevrolet-truck/
Quote Rest in Pickup: Man buried in 1967 Chevrolet truck. According to the Williamson Daily News, Albert Dancy Jr. of Sutton, West Virginia was laid to rest recently in the bed of his 1967 Chevrolet pickup, accompanied by his Old Timer pocketknife and a Remington .243-caliber deer rifle. Dancy was shot and killed on February 15 in a domestic quarrel. Dancy's son, Adam Dancy, honored his father's request to be buried in the truck. ""He said it always joking around, but he said it for so many years it was pretty much serious to me," said Adam Dancy. "I always took him seriously. It was the last thing I could do for him." Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: Bandit on September 28, 2011, 08:40:24 PM Add a little "Hot Doughnuts" neon sign to your tombstone and you are all set. If people are like me, there would be a lot of cars pull into the cemetery if that sign was on. I cant drive by a Hot sign when its on.Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: BAMAWV on September 28, 2011, 08:45:48 PM http://www.autoblog.com/2009/03/16/rest-in-pickup-man-buried-in-1967-chevrolet-truck/ I didn't even know he was sick. :(Quote Rest in Pickup: Man buried in 1967 Chevrolet truck. According to the Williamson Daily News, Albert Dancy Jr. of Sutton, West Virginia was laid to rest recently in the bed of his 1967 Chevrolet pickup, accompanied by his Old Timer pocketknife and a Remington .243-caliber deer rifle. Dancy was shot and killed on February 15 in a domestic quarrel. Dancy's son, Adam Dancy, honored his father's request to be buried in the truck. ""He said it always joking around, but he said it for so many years it was pretty much serious to me," said Adam Dancy. "I always took him seriously. It was the last thing I could do for him." Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 28, 2011, 08:50:38 PM I guess ya'll are down to 1199 now, huh?
Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 28, 2011, 10:49:20 PM http://www.autoblog.com/2009/03/16/rest-in-pickup-man-buried-in-1967-chevrolet-truck/ I didn't even know he was sick. :(Quote Rest in Pickup: Man buried in 1967 Chevrolet truck. According to the Williamson Daily News, Albert Dancy Jr. of Sutton, West Virginia was laid to rest recently in the bed of his 1967 Chevrolet pickup, accompanied by his Old Timer pocketknife and a Remington .243-caliber deer rifle. Dancy was shot and killed on February 15 in a domestic quarrel. Dancy's son, Adam Dancy, honored his father's request to be buried in the truck. ""He said it always joking around, but he said it for so many years it was pretty much serious to me," said Adam Dancy. "I always took him seriously. It was the last thing I could do for him." If the story is in WV, I am posting it. Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: Old Tider on September 29, 2011, 04:39:13 AM Lucky he didn't invent Smucker's jam.
Title: Re: Doritos inventor to be buried in them Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 29, 2011, 09:07:48 AM |