Title: Gatorsports Notebook: Richardson one of UF's top concerns Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 27, 2011, 07:56:34 AM http://www.gatorsports.com/article/20110926/ARTICLES/110929600/1090/gatorsfootball?Title=Notebook-Richardson-one-of-UF-s-top-concerns
Quote (http://i2.cdn.turner.com/si/2011/writers/stewart_mandel/09/24/arkansas-alabama-richardson/trent-richardson-p1.jpg) If the statistics bear out, don't expect a long game with a lot of clock stoppages this Saturday. Florida and Alabama are first and second in the Southeastern Conference in rushing offense, averaging 259 yards and 230.8 yards, respectively. At the top of the Gators' list of concerns for Saturday night's game is Crimson Tide tailback Trent Richardson. “He's very talented,” Florida linebacker Jelani Jenkins said Monday. “He can beat you with speed. He can also beat you with power. He has really, really good field vision. So we're going to have to really gameplan against him.” Jenkins said he and his teammates remember having difficulty with Richardson when they faced him last year. Richardson led the Tide with 63 yards rushing on 10 carries in a convincing 31-6 victory over Florida in Tuscaloosa, Ala. |