Title: "Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice" Post by: WALL-E on December 12, 2017, 03:20:02 PM Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice
Title: Re: "Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice" Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 13, 2017, 04:55:50 AM Might as well have written in Doug Jones because that is basically who you voted for.
Title: Re: "Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice" Post by: pmull on December 13, 2017, 06:47:46 AM I do not understand the people in this state. Many voted for Hillary because Trump was a bad choice. Give me a break! I voted against Moore twice before he was my only option yesterday. I do not like Moore but I know his voting record is in line with my core believes. Doug Jones is on the opposite side of everything I believe politically.
Title: Re: "Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice" Post by: ricky023 on December 13, 2017, 07:59:44 PM Well the kids in the State of Alabama will pay for this move. RTR!
Title: Re: "Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice" Post by: pmull on December 14, 2017, 06:39:13 AM Might as well have written in Doug Jones because that is basically who you voted for. 23,000 write in votes and Moore lost by 21,000. Richard Shelby, who I normally like and respect, played a big part in this and should be held accountable. He did his constituents and the Republican Party no favors. Title: Re: "Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice" Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 14, 2017, 08:08:47 AM We only have one senator now. The Washington post stole the other. I guess that is a sneaky way for DC to finally get their own senator.
Title: Re: "Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice" Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 14, 2017, 08:14:59 AM I do not understand the people in this state. Many voted for Hillary because Trump was a bad choice. Give me a break! I voted against Moore twice before he was my only option yesterday. I do not like Moore but I know his voting record is in line with my core believes. Doug Jones is on the opposite side of everything I believe politically. I never voted for Moore either until Tuesday. Basically the state rejected someone who denies being a child molester in favor of someone who is proud to be a child murderer. Title: Re: "Alabama man votes Nick Saban for U.S. Senate, citing Richard Shelby, Condoleezza Rice" Post by: ricky023 on December 14, 2017, 09:29:44 AM Might as well have written in Doug Jones because that is basically who you voted for. 23,000 write in votes and Moore lost by 21,000. Richard Shelby, who I normally like and respect, played a big part in this and should be held accountable. He did his constituents and the Republican Party no favors. Shelby must be about to leave because he will never be elected in this state again. Great job from a man we voted for and claimed as our person for so long. The people got shafted. RTR! |