Title: SIAP - Herbstreit "forced" out of Ohio Post by: cbbama99 on March 13, 2011, 10:42:57 PM http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/blog/dr_saturday/post/-8216-Relentless-8217-Buckeye-fans-have-drive?urn=ncaaf-wp39 (http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/blog/dr_saturday/post/-8216-Relentless-8217-Buckeye-fans-have-drive?urn=ncaaf-wp39)
It has to be bad when you are as big a homer for your alma mater as KH on national television every week and you feel like you have to move because some fans think you aren't being a big enough homer. Title: Re: SIAP - Herbstreit "forced" out of Ohio Post by: Marshal Dillon on March 13, 2011, 11:00:38 PM At least he picked a good place to move to. It must be bad for him to move so far from Ohio. I hope he will go into more detail to explain exactly what the fans were doing that caused him to move.
:think: Title: Re: SIAP - Herbstreit "forced" out of Ohio Post by: ricky023 on March 14, 2011, 01:21:27 AM Well I can see his point. I will say you would never know Rece Davis went to Alabama either. He never mentions them. I will never be ashamed of being an Alabama fan. I guess it is hard on him though. RTR!