Title: Feds may add hundreds to the endangered species list in Alabama Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 27, 2011, 02:36:31 PM http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2011/09/feds_may_add_hundreds_to_endan.html
Why do I become mad and angry after reading articles like this?? I am really a passive guy, then after reading an article from The Center for Biological Diversity, I get this uncontrolable urge to run out and strangle people like Noah Greenwald? Does any one else feel this way or is it just me? Help! Quote The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has pledged to review the status of 374 rare animals and plants living in and around rivers in the Southeastern United States for possible protection under the Endangered Species Act. The plan to review the species -- 135 of which may occur in Alabama -- is part of a settlement with the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group that petitioned the Service asking that more than 400 Southeastern species, and 757 nationwide, be considered for listing as endangered species. On that list of potentially endangered species from Alabama are 31 plants, five salamanders, 10 insects, 11 crawfish, 13 fish, 35 mussels, 25 snails, four turtles and one bird, the Eastern black rail. Though the Fish and Wildlife Service's announcement recognizes that species are likely threatened or endangered, it probably will be years before they are formally added to the list. Noah Greenwald, a spokesman for the Center for Biological Diversity, said the Service will have to devote considerable time and resources to working through those 250 species. "From our perspective it is a step forward," Greenwald said. Alabama is already home to 108 species listed as threatened or endangered, such as the Kemp's ridley sea turtle, the Alabama beach mouse, the Red Hills salamander, the red-cockaded woodpecker and the gray bat. (http://media.al.com/birmingham-news/photo/-d434795da933b6a7.jpg) |