Title: "Nick Saban prefers to coach up his young players, not dumb them down" Post by: Chechem on September 27, 2011, 04:32:18 PM (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/10084154-large.jpg)
Quote TUSCALOOSA, Alabama - You're a head football coach. Your defense is young and inexperienced. You made your bones on that side of the ball, and now you have to make a decision. How do you compensate for your defense's shortcomings? Do you subscribe to the KISS method? Do you keep it simple, stupid? Please. Keeping it simple is stupid. That's not my opinion. That's the opinion of a head coach who's generally considered one of the brightest defensive minds in football. Nick Saban didn't use those exact words, but he made it clear. He would rather coach up his players, no matter how young, than dumb down his game plan. The Alabama coach explained that philosophy in response to my question on the subject Monday. "I have confidence in the players," he said. "I have confidence in the players' ability to learn. I think a lot of coaches sometimes say they're making it simple. I never wanted to be a guy that was making it simple but then not put the players in the best chance to be successful because you're being so simple, they really didn't have a chance. "We probably always erred on the other side. When you do that, you actually develop a greater capacity for them in terms of the resource of information that they can handle, that they understand and they can adapt to in the game when things don't happen exactly like you thought they might." After the Penn State game, Saban emphasized the need for a defense "to survive the script," the opening series or two of play calls that opposing offensive coaches put together. He said Monday that, in the last year or two, as other teams have tried to outsmart Alabama, the opening scripts the Crimson Tide has faced often have looked nothing like what Saban and defensive coordinator Kirby Smart expected them to look like. For the most part, the Alabama players have been able to adapt because the Alabama coaches had educated them instead of babying them. "If you made it simple," Saban said, "they wouldn't know what to do." http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/09/nick_saban_prefers_to_coach_up.html Title: Re: "Nick Saban prefers to coach up his young players, not dumb them down" Post by: pmull on September 27, 2011, 04:37:58 PM ScarBo praises Saban and takes a shot at cheesedip in this article.
Title: Re: "Nick Saban prefers to coach up his young players, not dumb them down" Post by: Chechem on September 27, 2011, 04:47:04 PM ScarBo praises Saban and takes a shot at cheesedip in this article. To be fair, cheesedip has to dumb it down; they're at Boogerland for a reason. Title: Re: "Nick Saban prefers to coach up his young players, not dumb them down" Post by: Jamos on September 27, 2011, 05:14:49 PM I can't understand why any young athlete would turn down a chance to play for CNS, what a mentor.
Title: Re: "Nick Saban prefers to coach up his young players, not dumb them down" Post by: TheVarsity on September 27, 2011, 09:42:48 PM I can't understand why any young athlete would turn down a chance to play for CNS, what a mentor. ^^^THIS^^^ I totally agree Jamos. Sometimes, I just don't see how a recruit could turn down the opportunity to learn and be challenged by Saban and his coaching staff. Title: Re: "Nick Saban prefers to coach up his young players, not dumb them down" Post by: bamaphil on September 27, 2011, 10:00:30 PM I can't understand why any young athlete would turn down a chance to play for CNS, what a mentor. Because they don't want to work and don't want to receive discipline. Title: Re: "Nick Saban prefers to coach up his young players, not dumb them down" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 27, 2011, 10:04:20 PM I can't understand why any young athlete would turn down a chance to play for CNS, what a mentor. Because they don't want to work and don't want to receive discipline. So True! So True! Title: Re: "Nick Saban prefers to coach up his young players, not dumb them down" Post by: BAMAWV on September 27, 2011, 10:11:53 PM This article on CNS rapidly turned into an article on the barn. That tells a lot about Scarbo. Shoddy journalism at best.