Title: "AJ McCarron takes heat, matures as top QB" Post by: Chechem on September 28, 2011, 04:57:41 PM Quote There’s been a lot said about Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron in the past week. Looking back, it’s about the same time of the year Greg McElroy started taking heat in his first season starting in 2009. Only he was throwing interceptions and facing notable declines in his effectiveness when the critics came out two seasons ago. McElroy took it personally, as he said in interviews. McCarron hasn’t had a voice since he’s been off-limits to reporters all season except following the Penn State game. He’s also completing 66 percent of his passes and hasn’t thrown an interception since the opener against Kent State. His teammates have noticed a difference in his performance. “Absolutely. We did check a lot of stuff at the line of scrimmage,” center William Vlachos said. “That shows the confidence the coaches have in him. He’s matured very quickly this year and I couldn’t be prouder of him."..... http://dailybamablog.com/2011/09/28/aj-mccarron-takes-heat-matures-as-top-qb/ Title: Re: "AJ McCarron takes heat, matures as top QB" Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 28, 2011, 05:04:37 PM In fairness to GMac, the press built him up quite a bit after his early success. It seems like I can even remember some GMac for Heisman talk after that first month.
Title: Re: "AJ McCarron takes heat, matures as top QB" Post by: McBaman on September 28, 2011, 07:08:18 PM FL game will be a big test, maybe even a defining moment, for AJ. I hope he does well. We need him to do well.
Title: Re: "AJ McCarron takes heat, matures as top QB" Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 28, 2011, 07:31:54 PM FL game will be a big test, maybe even a defining moment, for AJ. I hope he does well. We need him to do well. His test can be easier if the receivers can make some plays, the O-line block, and the RB's can make some yardage on the ground. :D |