Title: "Video: Nick Saban press conference (Sept. 28, 2011)" Post by: Chechem on September 28, 2011, 09:23:08 PM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/09/video_nick_saban_press_confere.html
1. Lacy progress? CNS, "He has a sore foot. They expect him to play Saturday." 2. Dre's emotional play a problem? "Dre has matured and getting better every game." 3. Punting? "We need better hang time, but the punt team has been good." 4. Road game challenge? "We need more consistency." 5. Mosely replacement? "CJ is hard to repacle, but we have some guys who haven't played much who may play..." 6. Greatest challenge Saturday? "Execution with consistency." Title: Re: "Video: Nick Saban press conference (Sept. 28, 2011)" Post by: 2Stater on September 28, 2011, 09:26:22 PM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/09/video_nick_saban_press_confere.html 1. Lacy progress? CNS, "He has a sore foot. They expect him to play Saturday." 2. Dre's emotional play a problem? "Dre has matured and getting better every game." 3. Punting? "We need better hang time, but the punt team has been good." 4. Road game challenge? "We need more consistency." 5. Mosely replacement? "CJ is hard to repacle, but we have some guys who haven't played much who may play..." 6. Greatest challenge Saturday? "Execution with consistency." NC's come from this. |