Title: Newt Gingrich's '21st Century Contract with America' Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 01, 2011, 01:17:21 PM http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/newt-gingrich-to-detail-new-contract-with-america/2011/09/29/gIQAsNaD7K_story.html
I wonder which main stream media clown will dub this the 'Contract on America 2012' copying demrats from 1996. Quote Former House speaker Newt Gingrich on Thursday will outline a set of sweeping changes to government that he says will foster a “national renewal” in the United States and return the country to its founding principles. Gingrich, who is trying to revive his presidential campaign after a series of stumbles early on, will unveil the 26-page plan at a press event in Iowa. It is modeled on the 1994 “Contract With America” that Gingrich helped write while in Congress. Arguing that bold action is required immediately upon taking office, the Republican Party’s renowned idea man promises to sign dozens of executive orders immediately after his inauguration that would “immediately transform the way the executive branch works.” The plan also offers, with some specificity, ideas for remaking the nation’s health care system to be what it describes as more “pro-market” and offer greater options. |