Title: Cain raps Perry over racially offensive name of family's hunting camp Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 02, 2011, 04:05:32 PM http://blog.al.com/wire/2011/10/cain_raps_perry_over_racially.html
Quote WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain on Sunday criticized rival Rick Perry as being insensitive for not acting sooner in removing the racially offensive name from a rock outside the Texas hunting camp his family once leased. Perry's campaign countered that the candidate's father painted over the rock to cover the name, Niggerhead, soon after he began leasing the site in the early 1980s. While the Texas governor later joined the lease, neither he nor his family ever controlled, owned or managed the property, the campaign said in a statement. The Washington Post reported Sunday that the origins of the name were unclear and there was no definitive account for when and how the name first appeared on a large, flat rock at the gated entrance to the Throckmorton County property. In recent photos the word is mostly obscured by white paint, the Post reported. Cain, the only black Republican in the presidential race, accused Perry of insensitivity when asked about the report on Sunday news programs. |