Title: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:39:07 AM (https://heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/nicksaban.jpg?quality=65&strip=all&w=780&h=439)
"I got this!" ROLL TIDE Time to erase these lowlife Goat Humpers! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on November 24, 2018, 05:52:47 AM GET FIRED UP, BAMA BRETHREN!!!
HEY, AUBURN! HEY, AUBURN! WE'RE GONNA BEAT THE HE'LL OUTTA YOU! RAMMER JAMMER YELLOW HAMMER, GIVE 'EM HELL ALABAMA! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:57:06 AM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIvqaAyjT_w
Coach Bryant: "I could watch that all night!" #+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 06:02:15 AM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2z8-i2YYQg
Keith Jackson: "He made it!!" Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 06:09:01 AM (https://s3media.247sports.com/Uploads/Assets/165/837/8837165.jpg?fit=bounds&crop=620:320,offset-y0.50&width=620&height=320)
1971 Iron Bowl. My favorite game of the Coach Bryant era. :( Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 06:27:49 AM - TRADITION -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ergcgugfzNg Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: bama57 on November 24, 2018, 06:57:16 AM ROLL TIDE!!!!!!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 24, 2018, 07:17:09 AM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMRbIZN6W-s
The 2008 Iron Bowl when we ripped the thumb off of Tubbs. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 24, 2018, 07:47:08 AM Roll Tide everybody.
In before being moved to the Quad... :-X Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 08:21:06 AM The history of this game makes tears come in your eyes with some of the wins and some of the heart breaking losses. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 08:41:51 AM ROLL TIDE!!!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 08:42:42 AM The history of this game makes tears come in your eyes with some of the wins and some of the heart breaking losses. RTR! Today you get the WIN!! :-* Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 09:04:25 AM (http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b586/lordofpugs/DC7401A1-C6D2-4A30-9378-857D6A5B0C8D_zpsik3rj2ha.jpg) (http://s1293.photobucket.com/user/lordofpugs/media/DC7401A1-C6D2-4A30-9378-857D6A5B0C8D_zpsik3rj2ha.jpg.html)
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 24, 2018, 09:19:18 AM Marcus Spears just said Auburn was gonna get "Molly-whopped". :lol3:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 09:21:10 AM Well I understand that after the season you can buy some toilet tissue real cheap at auburn. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 24, 2018, 09:34:20 AM Marcus Spears just said Auburn was gonna get "Molly-whopped". :lol3: While I do enjoy seeing the booger-eaters in misery, it makes me nervous when literally everyone in the world with a pulse thinks that we are going to stomp a mud-hole in them and walk it dry... I hope our players aren't over confident...Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 10:41:24 AM Anyone heard if 34 is playing today?
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 10:43:17 AM Anyone heard if 34 is playing today? DH is able to play. I don't know how much CNS will use him before the SECCG. RTR! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 10:47:38 AM While I do enjoy seeing the booger-eaters in misery, it makes me nervous when literally everyone in the world with a pulse thinks that we are going to stomp a mud-hole in them and walk it dry... I hope our players aren't over confident... Have a little faith, my friend. In Saban we trust. (https://media.spokesman.com/photos/2018/09/09/Arkansas_St_Alabama_Football.JPG_VIfIcnW.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on November 24, 2018, 11:04:23 AM Glad this isn't a 7pm game. I couldn't wait that long.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 24, 2018, 11:22:52 AM While I do enjoy seeing the booger-eaters in misery, it makes me nervous when literally everyone in the world with a pulse thinks that we are going to stomp a mud-hole in them and walk it dry... I hope our players aren't over confident... Have a little faith, my friend. In Saban we trust. (https://media.spokesman.com/photos/2018/09/09/Arkansas_St_Alabama_Football.JPG_VIfIcnW.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 01:58:40 PM Good afternoon! :) Good luck to Bama Nation! Let's do this!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 02:00:58 PM My son is attending the game. I couldn't make it.
:wall: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:02:29 PM Good afternoon! :) Good luck to Bama Nation! Let's do this! :toast4: Good to see you, Terrie. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:05:15 PM (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dr0dUPwW4AEWCm7.jpg)
We need to dominate those Lee County losers from the beginning. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 02:11:18 PM Good afternoon! :) Good luck to Bama Nation! Let's do this! :toast4: Good to see you, Terrie. You too Chech! :) We've got this! :) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 24, 2018, 02:26:18 PM Bama's motivational speaker this week? Deonta Wilder. Excellent message from him just shown in the pre-game show...
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 24, 2018, 02:30:41 PM Bama's motivational speaker this week? Deonta Wilder. Excellent message from him just shown in the pre-game show... Just saw that. Awesome!! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:31:45 PM Radio broadcast has introductions of the seniors and their parents.
Cool. #+ Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:33:20 PM :toast1:
"To Those Who Went Before Us!" :) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 24, 2018, 02:34:55 PM Naturally, being in Pensacola, I've got a houseful, so I won't get to post that often. Y'all are in charge. :worship:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:36:19 PM Naturally, being in Pensacola, I've got a houseful, so I won't get to post that often. Y'all are in charge. :worship: Bear with me too. I'm surrounded by family who keep asking questions and have no knowledge of football. >:( Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:37:54 PM For once it doesn't matter who wins the toss.
Bama wins and defers. HERE WE GO!! #+ Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 02:39:35 PM Roll Tide!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 02:40:10 PM Play Ball!! 8)
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:40:29 PM Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 02:40:34 PM Naturally, being in Pensacola, I've got a houseful, so I won't get to post that often. Y'all are in charge. :worship: Howdy Neighbor! I'm in Milton - I prefer a empty house - No one fusses about my yelling!! :) RTR Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 02:42:04 PM 3 and out - Way to go Defense!!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:42:29 PM Boogs have 3 n out. >:(
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:44:08 PM Jeudy with a first down. #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:45:07 PM Irv Smith with another first down.
:jump: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 02:48:47 PM Don't get to say this much this year. GREAT PUNT!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 02:49:03 PM Great punt! RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:49:04 PM Punt to the Boog 10. Nice punt!
:clap: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 02:49:37 PM Defense may be busy today. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 02:50:00 PM Anyone know who the game captains are?
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 24, 2018, 02:51:13 PM :toast1: "To Those Who Went Before Us!" :) :toast1: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 02:52:00 PM Dang cbs on computer is stalling. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 02:54:48 PM Y'all see that cut block on Buggs? Cheating bastids!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:55:15 PM Bastid cut Buggs' knee. >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:56:35 PM Idiots. Now they've hurt Waddle. >:( >:(
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 02:57:17 PM Y'all see that cut block on Buggs? Cheating bastids! Bastids, cheaters, and goat humpers. >:( Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 02:58:12 PM Throw his ass out of the game for the hit on Waddle. >:( >:(
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 02:58:50 PM Could you viewers tell if that was targeting. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 03:00:53 PM Jeudy was held!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:02:24 PM Throw his ass out of the game for the hit on Waddle. >:( >:( I got the meaning, but WTH?? :lol2: I was ready to come though the TV on that one. :-\ I'm with you, buddy. :toast4: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 03:02:57 PM Could you viewers tell if that was targeting. RTR! Don’t think so. He hit Waddle hard on the shoulder. Looked like he was going full speed and hit Waddle before the ball got there. Waddle never saw him. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 24, 2018, 03:03:10 PM Could you viewers tell if that was targeting. RTR! It wasn't targeting but it was about as dirty of a play as you can get. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 24, 2018, 03:03:36 PM Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:03:39 PM Ruggs to the 14. #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 03:05:03 PM TD!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 03:05:34 PM TOUCHDOWN TUA!!!! RTR
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:05:49 PM Touchdown Tua on a run left!!
:jump: (http://gator995.com/files/2018/04/GettyImages-902777960.jpg?w=980&q=75) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 03:06:55 PM Tua! TD! #+ #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 03:07:01 PM Reports are Buggs and Waddle are good to go.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 03:07:18 PM TD but why run Tua? RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 03:07:37 PM aub seems to be wanting to play dirty. They better be careful - they tick off the Tide, it's all over!
C'mon D, let's make them quit! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:08:11 PM Reports are Buggs and Waddle are good to go. Eli Gold: Sideline report that Buggs has his helmet and is ready to go back in. His knee bent backwards, though. :( Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 03:08:29 PM We need a pick 6 to shake up the qb at auburn. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 03:10:31 PM D line needs to do a better job stopping the run.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 03:14:49 PM Lord what is wrong with the defense? RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 03:15:59 PM Man we are getting eat up on defense. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 03:16:26 PM Defense seems confused like they were last week. Hope we can get a handle on it before halftime. :dunno:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:16:29 PM Boogs get a drive and tie the game: 7-7.
Our turn! :) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:18:01 PM Defense seems confused like they were last week. Hope we can get a handle on it before halftime. :dunno: I'll take 35 in the 2nd half! :worship: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:22:00 PM END of Q1. Bama driving!
7-7 (https://athlonsports.com/sites/athlonsports.com/files/styles/slideshow_image/public/slideshow-images/a10_Slideshow_0.jpg?itok=Bx3fMiEY) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:27:03 PM Touchdown Ruggs on a short pass.
:jump: :jump: (https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/USATSI_8787937.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:33:44 PM Boogs have 3 n out after our TD.
#+ #+ Our ball at our 33. :popcorn2: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 03:36:21 PM D got it done on that series. :popcorn2:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 03:37:57 PM Think Smith was held. :dunno:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 03:38:38 PM Jacobs!!!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 03:39:39 PM Gary needs to shut up... just sayin'
RTR! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 03:39:44 PM Can anyone tell Gary to shut up!?
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:40:39 PM Waddle tackled before the pass arrives: penalty!! #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 03:45:08 PM Looks like a catch to me. :dunno:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 03:46:20 PM I am about to pray for that Gary guy and he ain't gonna like it!!!!!!!!!! RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:46:28 PM Bulovas with a 30-yard field goal.
Bama 17-7 #+ (https://c8.alamy.com/comp/KXAW3M/overtime-08th-jan-2018-alabama-cheerleaders-celebrate-after-college-KXAW3M.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 03:46:52 PM Bulovas. GOOD!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 03:48:02 PM Man we need to get some big points up so the 1st teamers can rest. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:48:37 PM Gary needs to shut up... just sayin' RTR! Finebaum keeps saying Gary's just trying to keep the non-Bama fans watching the game. But we all hate it! :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 03:48:53 PM I am about to pray for that Gary guy and he ain't gonna like it!!!!!!!!!! RTR! After watching some of the Boogs cheatin’ going on, I was going to have to call you for confessional. :lol2: And neither of us are Catholic! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 24, 2018, 03:50:28 PM I am about to pray for that Gary guy and he ain't gonna like it!!!!!!!!!! RTR! :lol2: Do it! He needs some help. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:54:45 PM Finally we stopped that drive - after a facemask saved them.
#+ Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 24, 2018, 03:55:24 PM We need at least 2 more TDs before halftime. :popcorn2:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: bama57 on November 24, 2018, 03:56:03 PM I am about to pray for that Gary guy and he ain't gonna like it!!!!!!!!!! RTR! :lol2: Do it! He needs some help. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 03:59:56 PM Blocked punt by the Boogs. :(
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 04:00:32 PM I knew Saban was gonna let that happen. You could see it coming. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:01:30 PM Bama 17 Boogs 14 Another trick play. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:02:23 PM Hate to say it but we're being out coached right now. :unsure:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:02:33 PM I knew Saban was gonna let that happen. You could see it coming. RTR! We seem to be running the most vanilla offense we've tried all year. That punt followed a straight handoff on 3rd and 5. :dunno: We have the best QB in the nation!! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:04:59 PM Blocked punt by the Boogs. :( I guess that's Danielson's fault, too, along with all the runs up-the-middle. :wall: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:05:45 PM I knew Saban was gonna let that happen. You could see it coming. RTR! We seem to be running the most vanilla offense we've tried all year. That punt followed a straight handoff on 3rd and 5. :dunno: We have the best QB in the nation!! I don't know what Saban is thinking. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:06:28 PM Hate to say it but we're being out coached right now. :unsure: Agree. Blame Danielson. :facepalm: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:08:34 PM We need a manhood check by Tide defense.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:09:11 PM We seem to be consistently losing the line of scrimmage battle. :dunno:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: bama57 on November 24, 2018, 04:09:26 PM Who is blame Danielson
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:09:31 PM HALFTIME Bama 17 Boogs 14
(https://image.al.com/home/bama-media/width620/img/alphotos/photo/2017/09/10/-7523b069e0cb7224.JPG) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:11:11 PM So, we have this fantastic QB and we keep running on first down for 2-3 yards then we HAVE to pass. Don't have to be a defensive genius to know what's coming.
??? Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:14:25 PM Two weeks in a row we somewhat passive and unmotivated.
We will win this but we better find some testosterone before we meet GA. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:14:52 PM Ugly, ugly, ugly play-calling by Tide in first half.
:popcorn2: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 24, 2018, 04:15:25 PM So, we have this fantastic QB and we keep running on first down for 2-3 yards then we HAVE to pass. Don't have to be a defensive genius to know what's coming. FIRE NICK SABAN! Right? :dunno:Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:16:26 PM I got the funniest text a little while ago. A friend of mine whose husband is an aub grad texted me and said he had stopped watching the game because "Alabama had already cheated"! My response to her was that apparently he was missing the cheap hits, low hits and holding by aub players. And I laughed. Seriously - WHERE did we cheat?? :facepalm: :wall: :lol:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:18:32 PM I got the funniest text a little while ago. A friend of mine whose husband is an aub grad texted me and said he had stopped watching the game because "Alabama had already cheated"! My response to her was that apparently he was missing the cheap hits, low hits and holding by aub players. And I laughed. Seriously - WHERE did we cheat?? :facepalm: :wall: :lol: Welcome to the Aub mentality: CONSPIRACY CITY!! :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:20:11 PM I got the funniest text a little while ago. A friend of mine whose husband is an aub grad texted me and said he had stopped watching the game because "Alabama had already cheated"! My response to her was that apparently he was missing the cheap hits, low hits and holding by aub players. And I laughed. Seriously - WHERE did we cheat?? :facepalm: :wall: :lol: Welcome to the Aub mentality: CONSPIRACY CITY!! :lol2: :lol2: It's ridiculous - are they watching the SAME GAME? Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:20:47 PM So, we have this fantastic QB and we keep running on first down for 2-3 yards then we HAVE to pass. Don't have to be a defensive genius to know what's coming. FIRE NICK SABAN! Right? :dunno:No, ask how the heck we recruited the worst punter in the nation (statistically), can't recruit a good field goal kicker, and why is he playing so conservatively against Auburn and how is a 3 man rush getting past our O-line. Wouldn't you like to know these things? Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:23:03 PM I got the funniest text a little while ago. A friend of mine whose husband is an aub grad texted me and said he had stopped watching the game because "Alabama had already cheated"! My response to her was that apparently he was missing the cheap hits, low hits and holding by aub players. And I laughed. Seriously - WHERE did we cheat?? :facepalm: :wall: :lol: Welcome to the Aub mentality: CONSPIRACY CITY!! :lol2: :lol2: Durn it, you beat me to it. All their boards talked about before the game was how we cheated and the refs were in the tank for us. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:24:11 PM ROLL TIDE
(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c5/1f/b0/c51fb0e58ade90610dcc256e6d8b4366.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: bama57 on November 24, 2018, 04:25:04 PM So, we have this fantastic QB and we keep running on first down for 2-3 yards then we HAVE to pass. Don't have to be a defensive genius to know what's coming. FIRE NICK SABAN! Right? :dunno:No, ask how the heck we recruited the worst punter in the nation (statistically), can't recruit a good field goal kicker, and why is he playing so conservatively against Auburn and how is a 3 man rush getting past our O-line. Wouldn't you like to know these things? Is that all you got to complain about we're playing our number one rival and with three points ahead and we get the ball when we come out at halftime geez ??? Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:25:52 PM Okay, my prediction on the second half. I think we make adjustments and start playing Bama ball. :) I think CNS will get the message across and that we will come out and be the team we all know.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:28:59 PM Okay, my prediction on the second half. I think we make adjustments and start playing Bama ball. :) I think CNS will get the message across and that we will come out and be the team we all know. You KNOW we're going to win easily. ENJOY!! :-* Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:31:01 PM So, we have this fantastic QB and we keep running on first down for 2-3 yards then we HAVE to pass. Don't have to be a defensive genius to know what's coming. FIRE NICK SABAN! Right? :dunno:No, ask how the heck we recruited the worst punter in the nation (statistically), can't recruit a good field goal kicker, and why is he playing so conservatively against Auburn and how is a 3 man rush getting past our O-line. Wouldn't you like to know these things? Is that all you got to complain about we're playing our number one rival and with three points ahead and we get the ball when we come out at halftime geez ??? Our biggest rival has FOUR losses and an awful offense all year. They lost to Tennessee & LSU, teams we blew out. Are you happy with our performance? Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:32:47 PM Jacobs runs for a first down. #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:34:08 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA!!! Jeudy! Jeudy!!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:34:11 PM BINGO! LONG PASS ON FIRST DOWN. TD
#+ Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:34:24 PM Jeudy for 47 yards and a TD!!
:jump: :jump: (https://image.al.com/home/bama-media/width620/img/alabamafootball_impact/photo/alabama-football-2016---g01-vs-usc-6972703de689fdc7.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:34:43 PM Now we're cooking with oil! TD Jeudy.
Sorry, Gary. Know you're disappointed. :lol2: :lol3: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: bama57 on November 24, 2018, 04:35:42 PM So, we have this fantastic QB and we keep running on first down for 2-3 yards then we HAVE to pass. Don't have to be a defensive genius to know what's coming. FIRE NICK SABAN! Right? :dunno:No, ask how the heck we recruited the worst punter in the nation (statistically), can't recruit a good field goal kicker, and why is he playing so conservatively against Auburn and how is a 3 man rush getting past our O-line. Wouldn't you like to know these things? Is that all you got to complain about we're playing our number one rival and with three points ahead and we get the ball when we come out at halftime geez ??? Our biggest rival has FOUR losses and an awful offense all year. They lost to Tennessee & LSU, teams we blew out. Are you happy with our performance? Sure I am I trust you in this and Auburn's two trick plays away from being scoreless Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:36:30 PM Now we're cooking. Loosen up the D with some passing on first down. Plus, I expect we will see better running & blocking after halftime adjustments. You can only do so many trick plays in a game.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:37:32 PM Okay, my prediction on the second half. I think we make adjustments and start playing Bama ball. :) I think CNS will get the message across and that we will come out and be the team we all know. You KNOW we're going to win easily. ENJOY!! :-* I do - and will have to listen to that aub fan say we cheated. I couldn't figure out WHY he was saying it. Then during halftime when they were talking about how mad Gus still was about that holding call, it dawned on me! RTR :) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:39:41 PM Boogs have another 3 n out! #+ #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: bama57 on November 24, 2018, 04:41:30 PM Hey Terry just tell him it's been going on for years and we have no control over the REC
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:42:00 PM Hey Terrie just tell him it's been going on for years and we have no control over the REC :lol: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:42:08 PM Okay, my prediction on the second half. I think we make adjustments and start playing Bama ball. :) I think CNS will get the message across and that we will come out and be the team we all know. You KNOW we're going to win easily. ENJOY!! :-* I do - and will have to listen to that aub fan say we cheated. I couldn't figure out WHY he was saying it. Then during halftime when they were talking about how mad Gus still was about that holding call, it dawned on me! RTR :) You really need to read their football forums, they are hilarious. In summary, there's a giant conspiracy to keep Auburn football down. It's a massive conspiracy involving the REC, SEC office, SEC refs, and the NCAA. It's incredible and they truly believe it. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:45:03 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA! Looking good Bama!!!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 04:45:14 PM Jacobs catches a pass and he SCORES a TD!!
:jump: :jump: (https://oneclassblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/bama-girls.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:45:46 PM Jacobs strikes again. He is hard to tackle when he's running. TD. Love those passes on first down.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:46:14 PM Jacobs for the 6!! #+ #+ #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:47:46 PM Watch for the Boogs to get REALLY dirty now. :-X
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:47:53 PM Okay, my prediction on the second half. I think we make adjustments and start playing Bama ball. :) I think CNS will get the message across and that we will come out and be the team we all know. You KNOW we're going to win easily. ENJOY!! :-* I do - and will have to listen to that aub fan say we cheated. I couldn't figure out WHY he was saying it. Then during halftime when they were talking about how mad Gus still was about that holding call, it dawned on me! RTR :) You really need to read their football forums, they are hilarious. In summary, there's a giant conspiracy to keep Auburn football down. It's a massive conspiracy involving the REC, SEC office, SEC refs, and the NCAA. It's incredible and they truly believe it. I probably couldn't stomach it! This fan kills me because when we first met the couple, he kept saying how didn't "get" the rivalry, that it was just a game, etc. Then he gets stupid during football season. I unfollow him on FB every fall through January because he posts such stupid memes. LOL This game is making me happy though! LOL Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 04:48:15 PM Time for the beatdown!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:48:44 PM Watch for the Boogs to get REALLY dirty now. :-X Unfortunately, for our players, you are dead on. :( Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:50:18 PM Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
We're on the move! Ain't No Stoppin Us Now! We've got the groove! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:51:18 PM :( looks like targeting to me :(
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:52:16 PM Mayden ejected but I never heard of him. Hope the Auburn player is okay.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:52:22 PM :pray: for the young man
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:52:28 PM Wow! Targeting penalty on us.
Hope the young man is ok. :pray: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 04:55:11 PM He walked off the field! Glad to see that
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:57:36 PM That is NOT targeting.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 04:58:12 PM Shut Gary up!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 04:58:23 PM Too many blown coverages and major penalties. At least not another targeting.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 04:58:40 PM Danielson is driving me nuts.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: bama57 on November 24, 2018, 04:59:23 PM Shut Gary up! #+Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 04:59:45 PM That nontargeting should get the LSU fans fired up!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 05:01:07 PM Great STOP Defense!!! Alabama take over on downs!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 05:01:26 PM Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:01:42 PM SURTAIN!! Great Tackle!
#+ #+ Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 05:01:58 PM Like I said, you can only use so many trick plays in a game. It's a sign of desperation.
:clap: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 05:04:15 PM What is going on? RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 05:04:27 PM Like I said, you can only use so many trick plays in a game. It's a sign of desperation. You can take Gus out of high school,but can’t take high school out of Gus.:clap: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 05:06:00 PM HE PUSHED OFF!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 05:06:19 PM Like I said, you can only use so many trick plays in a game. It's a sign of desperation. :clap: You can take Gus out of high school,but can’t take high school out of Gus. Good one. :wave: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:07:06 PM Boogs get a long pass.
Bama 31 Boogs 21 Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 05:07:19 PM So many blown coverages. What's going on?
:dunno: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:07:38 PM Smith really screwed the pooch on that play. >:( Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 05:10:38 PM TOUCHDOWN Tua to Smith! :)
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:10:49 PM Deonta Smith for another TD!!
:jump: :jump: (https://cdn-s3.si.com/s3fs-public/images/Alabama-Crimson-Tide-Crimsonettes-dancers-169151231449_alabama_vs_mich_st.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:10:56 PM Beautiful move by D Smith for the TD! #+ #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:15:25 PM SACK!! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:16:25 PM Think we may be starting to wear their O line out a bit . :popcorn2:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:16:28 PM Our ball at the Boog 43. #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 05:19:11 PM D. Smith looks like he's finally 100% which is bad news for other teams.
:clap: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:19:12 PM END of Q3: Bama 38-21
(http://www.rolltidebama.com/wallpaper/14.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:21:42 PM That Aub "NFL-style D-line" looks gassed!
:lol: :lol: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 05:23:01 PM haha TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA :) this game keeps getting gooder and gooder LOLOLOL
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:23:25 PM RUGGS with a circus catch for a Touchdown!!
:jump: :jump: :jump: (https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/6uKRcwOQF_wolUqSvpzRRMOttS0=/0x0:4637x3092/1200x800/filters:focal(1899x913:2639x1653)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/58258947/902782250.jpg.0.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 05:23:59 PM Shades of Penn State. This time they got it right.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:24:51 PM Oh my gosh! What a pass and catch! Reminded me of the one Tua threw to win the Natty. #+ #+ #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:28:14 PM Shades of Penn State. This time they got it right. God bless the video review!! :toast4: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:29:50 PM Everybody happy yet??
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 05:30:32 PM Tua 25/32 324 yards 5 TD passes & 1 rushing TD Tide 439 yards total offense yards per play: 7.8 :dance: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 05:31:34 PM Everybody happy yet?? I know some tigger fans who aren't... But I'm extremely happy!! :lol2: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 05:31:36 PM Auburn trying to run the clock out?
:lol2: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 05:32:02 PM HAHAHAHA INTERCEPTION BY Jennings!!! :)
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:32:19 PM Intercepted!!! :jump: :jump: :jump:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:33:04 PM Aubs' Heisman QB throws to Jennings for an INT!!
#+ #+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 24, 2018, 05:33:28 PM Interception. Time for the kill shot by Bama and put them out of their misery.
:popcorn: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 24, 2018, 05:34:42 PM Shades of Penn State. This time they got it right. God bless the video review!! :toast4: Indeed. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:35:11 PM Jalen Hurts throws to Waddle for another TD!!
BAMA 52 Goat Humpers 21 (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5d/33/19/5d331910c5d4a4674253f4352ef0b33f.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 05:35:19 PM And another TOUCHDOWN!!! RTR
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 24, 2018, 05:35:26 PM Interception. Time for the kill shot by Bama and put them out of their misery. :popcorn: BLOOM! But I don't think they are dead yet. Shoot 'em again. :lol2: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:35:32 PM Pour salt into those wounds!!!! #+ #+ #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 05:36:56 PM JALEN!!!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:37:15 PM Pour salt into those wounds!!!! #+ #+ #+ Hope they let Mac Wilson throw one too!! :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 05:37:51 PM Beat the cat crap out of them!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:38:03 PM I believe ole Saban bamboozled us with that first half! :lol2: :lol2:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 24, 2018, 05:38:17 PM Jalen to Jalen. A thing of beauty!!!! How awesome is it to hang 50 on the barn? :jump: :jump: :jump:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:38:26 PM Beat the cat crap out of them! :lol: :lol: :lol: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:39:32 PM I believe ole Saban bamboozled us with that first half! :lol2: :lol2: I tell yea, it's almost like he gives them hope and rips it away in a most vicious way. :lol2: :worship: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:41:17 PM I believe ole Saban bamboozled us with that first half! :lol2: :lol2: I tell yea, it's almost like he gives them hope and rips it away in a most vicious way. :lol2: :worship: He did indeed. :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:47:16 PM Don't think I've ever enjoyed an Iron Bowl as much as today!!
(https://cdn1.thr.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/landscape_928x523/2015/08/screen-shot-2015-08-18-at-8.15.59-am.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:47:26 PM Well, my TV is now safe. ;)
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:48:31 PM Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 05:50:03 PM :lol: I will. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 05:51:16 PM I think we should shoot for 65 points!! Never too many against aub!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 05:56:00 PM WE WIN GOING AWAY!! (https://cdn.capperspicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-Alabama-Crimson-Tide-Predictions-NCAA-Football-Gambling-Odds.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: lstephen on November 24, 2018, 05:57:42 PM ROLL TIDE!!!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 05:58:19 PM ROLL TIDE ROLL! RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 06:00:35 PM Great game. Just need to get it really going in the first half like the second half.
Congrats on a great game!! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2018, 06:02:03 PM Well Georgia is gonna be tough. We have to be ready for each play. They actually have a better team than auburn. RTR!
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Terrie1959 on November 24, 2018, 06:02:07 PM Great game! Thanks for sharing it with me! :)
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 24, 2018, 06:07:18 PM Great Win! I like this new Bama team, where they give teams hope in the first half, then rip their hearts out going away, in the second. :worship:
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 24, 2018, 06:16:04 PM I prefer to rip their hearts out in the 1st quarter and then torture them for 45 minutes.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 24, 2018, 06:19:10 PM I prefer to rip their hearts out in the 1st quarter and then torture them for 45 minutes. :lol:I'm with you SC. :D Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on November 24, 2018, 06:20:50 PM F Auburn, F Gus, and F the insufferable Gary Danielson.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 06:22:53 PM Great game! Thanks for sharing it with me! :) Our pleasure, Terrie. Thanks for keeping the faith! :worship: :worship: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 24, 2018, 06:31:46 PM F Auburn, F Gus, and F the insufferable Gary Danielson. (https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/24543117/u-shut-up-gary.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 06:41:21 PM At least Gary concluded that Tua has won the Heisman.
#+ #+ Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 06:49:02 PM Postgame interview:
Saban said Buggs hyperextended a knee, but should be okay. Hope that's true, but it looked real bad. :( Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on November 24, 2018, 06:51:20 PM Postgame interview: Saban said Buggs hyperextended a knee, but should be okay. Hope that's true, but it looked real bad. :( He came back into the game several times. I doubt he will be 100% next week, but he should be by Jan 1. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 24, 2018, 07:00:16 PM At least Gary concluded that Tua has won the Heisman. #+ #+ Three Heisman trophies in ten years. Not too shabby! Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 24, 2018, 07:07:35 PM Defense seems confused like they were last week. Hope we can get a handle on it before halftime. :dunno: I'll take 35 in the 2nd half! :worship: Nice call!!! :worship: :worship: :worship: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 07:12:27 PM Defense seems confused like they were last week. Hope we can get a handle on it before halftime. :dunno: I'll take 35 in the 2nd half! :worship: Nice call!!! :worship: :worship: :worship: Hey, it's what we do. 8) 8) :) :) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 24, 2018, 07:45:25 PM How about Bulovas making every XP and 1-1 on the FG? #+
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 07:46:26 PM How about Bulovas making every XP and 1-1 on the FG? #+ Have the Boogs figured out yet that it was Tiffin?? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 07:48:18 PM At least Gary concluded that Tua has won the Heisman. #+ #+ Three Heisman trophies in ten years. Not too shabby! And, the first QB from Bama to win the award. This one will be extra special. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2018, 07:49:48 PM At least Gary concluded that Tua has won the Heisman. #+ #+ Three Heisman trophies in ten years. Not too shabby! And, the first QB from Bama to win the award. This one will be extra special. True. Good night, boys. Long drive tomorrow! :-* Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Merk on November 24, 2018, 07:55:44 PM At least Gary concluded that Tua has won the Heisman. #+ #+ Three Heisman trophies in ten years. Not too shabby! And, the first QB from Bama to win the award. This one will be extra special. True. Good night, boys. Long drive tomorrow! :-* Adios! Drive safe. :wave: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 24, 2018, 08:13:21 PM I'm not convinced that Tua will win the Heisman now. There are other qb's that have much better stats. Of course, they pretty much all played 4 quarters while Tua only played in the 4th quarter in two games so far...still. He may not be the one...
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: XBAMA on November 25, 2018, 12:30:33 AM I'm not convinced that Tua will win the Heisman now. There are other qb's that have much better stats. Of course, they pretty much all played 4 quarters while Tua only played in the 4th quarter in two games so far...still. He may not be the one... Snaps in 4th Quarter: 14 :unsure: Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 25, 2018, 07:27:06 AM If we beat Ga, the Heisman is Tua's.
(https://www.sportsbookadvisor.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/1-10.jpg) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 25, 2018, 07:29:15 AM I'm not convinced that Tua will win the Heisman now. There are other qb's that have much better stats. Of course, they pretty much all played 4 quarters while Tua only played in the 4th quarter in two games so far...still. He may not be the one... Well they won't give it to an OK QB two years in a row. KM is quite the athlete, fastest/quickest running QB I've seen, but he's ultimately a baseball player.Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 25, 2018, 07:37:31 AM I'm not convinced that Tua will win the Heisman now. There are other qb's that have much better stats. Of course, they pretty much all played 4 quarters while Tua only played in the 4th quarter in two games so far...still. He may not be the one... Well they won't give it to an OK QB two years in a row. KM is quite the athlete, fastest/quickest running QB I've seen, but he's ultimately a baseball player.Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on November 25, 2018, 07:42:16 AM Tua will have some major competition from Trevor Lawrence next year.
Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: 2Stater on November 25, 2018, 07:46:35 AM Tua will have some major competition from Trevor Lawrence next year. This is true. The kid is very talented. I fully understand now why Dabo did what he did. Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 25, 2018, 07:55:39 AM I'm not convinced that Tua will win the Heisman now. There are other qb's that have much better stats. Of course, they pretty much all played 4 quarters while Tua only played in the 4th quarter in two games so far...still. He may not be the one... Well they won't give it to an OK QB two years in a row. KM is quite the athlete, fastest/quickest running QB I've seen, but he's ultimately a baseball player.And Tua happens to be the best player this year. 8) Title: Re: *** Official ARBUN VS ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE In-Game Thread *** Post by: Chechem on November 25, 2018, 06:06:23 PM Tua has the right combination of personality, talents, stats, and iconic plays. I don't think it'll be close as long as we beat UGA (as 2 said). He'll likely win either way. The Heisman folks, and those who have votes, are likely tired of punks.
(http://www.woollyal.com/core/images/smilies/bigal.gif) |