Title: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 05, 2018, 09:58:43 PM Since when is a thread locked because it's "too premature?" Even Saban admitted that Jalen would probably leave. This website was built on speculation, the past, the present, and the future. What's happened? Censoring a realistic thought and idea which will probably occur and even if it doesn't, so what? Too premature to talk about it. Why is is "too premature?" Folks have talked about who replaces Saban, how is this different. Folks talk about possible recruits, is that too premature? Please give me a specific list of what subjects are too premature to talk about. How about the coaching status of Avery Johnson? Too premature? I talked about firing Gottfried 3 1/2 years before he was fired, no censorship there. I talked about what a lousy coach Anthony Grant was for at least 2 to 3 years before he was fired in the face of strong opposition from several posters here but I wasn't censored. Was that too premature? Again, what is going on here with this new standard called "too premature?"
Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 05, 2018, 11:04:53 PM Shouldn't have been locked. I will unlock it. Speculate all you want. If folks don't want to talk about it right now they don't have to post.
Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: pmull on December 06, 2018, 06:41:24 AM :clap: Thank you both.
Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: ricky023 on December 06, 2018, 08:20:59 AM Well MD we ain't changed and we are super glad to have you back. You have been a great subject matter person to keep us on our toes with some good questions. I am personally glad to see you back don't like when family leaves because we don't know what has happened to them. So welcome back kotter! RTR!
Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: Catch Prothro on December 06, 2018, 08:48:14 AM Well MD, I didn't lock your post, but I do think the discussion could wait until Jalen actually announces his intentions.
Right now, Jalen's only stated intention is to help Bama win another Championship. Jalen has proven himself to be a loyal player. That is a rare thing these days. By speculating on Jalen leaving, you are disrespecting him. You are disrespecting the hard work he has put into making himself a better Bama player. You are disrespecting him supporting the team from the sidelines, accepting his role with dignity. Maybe it isn't that the discussion is premature. Maybe it is the disrespect you are showing to a rightful Bama hero. Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 06, 2018, 09:08:13 AM Shouldn't have been locked. I will unlock it. Speculate all you want. If folks don't want to talk about it right now they don't have to post. Thanks, I was shocked because you have always been so open-minded and I could not grasp what happened and how it got by you. Like I said, I appreciate it. :hug: :dog: Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 06, 2018, 09:15:11 AM Well MD, I didn't lock your post, but I do think the discussion could wait until Jalen actually announces his intentions. Right now, Jalen's only stated intention is to help Bama win another Championship. Jalen has proven himself to be a loyal player. That is a rare thing these days. By speculating on Jalen leaving, you are disrespecting him. You are disrespecting the hard work he has put into making himself a better Bama player. You are disrespecting him supporting the team from the sidelines, accepting his role with dignity. Maybe it isn't that the discussion is premature. Maybe it is the disrespect you are showing to a rightful Bama hero. I knew you did not do it and have an excellent idea who did. It's the same jerk who likes to annoy me in an anonymous manner, but this time he left a trail. I brought the subject up because Saban said he felt Jalen would leave. Also, it's logical because he wants to play pro ball which he can't do sitting on the bench. Also, something most folks here just can't understand about me is I'm trying to stimulate conversation, thinking outside the box, and even trying to keep discussions gong on. :dog: Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: N.AL-Tider on December 06, 2018, 09:19:10 AM Well MD, I didn't lock your post, but I do think the discussion could wait until Jalen actually announces his intentions. Right now, Jalen's only stated intention is to help Bama win another Championship. Jalen has proven himself to be a loyal player. That is a rare thing these days. By speculating on Jalen leaving, you are disrespecting him. You are disrespecting the hard work he has put into making himself a better Bama player. You are disrespecting him supporting the team from the sidelines, accepting his role with dignity. Maybe it isn't that the discussion is premature. Maybe it is the disrespect you are showing to a rightful Bama hero. I knew you did not do it and have an excellent idea who did. It's the same jerk who likes to annoy me in an anonymous manner, but this time he left a trail. I brought the subject up because Saban said he felt Jalen would leave. Also, it's logical because he wants to play pro ball which he can't do sitting on the bench. Also, something most folks here just can't understand about me is I'm trying to stimulate conversation, thinking outside the box, and even trying to keep discussions gong on. (https://www.long-mcquade.com/files/11390/lg_341933.jpg) Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: Catch Prothro on December 06, 2018, 11:17:16 AM I'm trying to stimulate conversation, thinking outside the box, and even trying to keep discussions gong on. Who talks about gongs? (https://www.long-mcquade.com/files/11390/lg_341933.jpg) So, that makes MD the Unknown Comic? (https://apastorsheartdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/the-unknown-comic-2.jpg) (I've already claimed title as Gene Gene the Dancing Machine.) (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2w3pqF7n_IM/VQRY6SBEDWI/AAAAAAAACro/1D3ovjd5xag/s1600/tumblr_mhb3ttvnDF1rbrhnko1_500.gif) Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 06, 2018, 04:36:56 PM Title: Re: Did Things Change While I was Gone From This Forum Most of the Year? Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 06, 2018, 04:45:40 PM And I am locking this thread. :lol2: Nothing to see here, everybody move along now.