Title: MoveOn.org moves in on ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 03, 2011, 02:26:35 PM http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/03/moveon-org-moves-in-on-occupy-wall-street-protests/
Quote The “Occupy Wall Street” protesters just became a little more *GASP* mainstream. Moveon.org has announced its support for the anti-capitalist movement and is encouraging members to join in its “massive ‘Virtual March on Wall Street.’” On Wednesday, when MoveOn.org hosts an online video “march,” members will join in with labor and community groups for what the say will be the biggest demonstration to date. “Together, we’ll add hundreds of thousands of voices of solidarity from the American Dream Movement for the protests across the country and show just how widespread outrage at the Wall Street banks really is,” MoveOn wrote in an email blast to members. The protests on Wall Street have been running for two weeks straight and are only getting bigger every day,” MoveOn added. “The signs, placards, and chants focus on standing up for what the protesters are calling ‘the 99%’ of us who are suffering while Wall Street bankers grow richer by the day.” The liberal group echoed the promises of the grassroots organizers, saying that the protests will continue to grow and expand to cities across the country. |