Title: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 04:54:59 AM (https://imagesvc.timeincapp.com/v3/fan/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbamahammer.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fgetty-images%2F2016%2F04%2F1183663159.jpeg&c=sc&w=736&h=485)
ROLL TIDE Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: 2Stater on November 23, 2019, 05:55:43 AM (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f5/8b/69/f58b69141a2d148ed5cd96b4a300f01a.gif)
(http://www.woollyal.com/core/images/smilies/bigal.gif)(http://www.woollyal.com/core/images/smilies/bigal.gif)(http://www.woollyal.com/core/images/smilies/bigal.gif) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 07:25:56 AM #+ #+ #+ for Mac just take your time and run the team. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 23, 2019, 08:32:13 AM Roll Tide Roll!!
(https://78.media.tumblr.com/1d5f10021b457a212357279f5dc697b0/tumblr_onpektTVat1qje60uo1_500.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 23, 2019, 08:39:40 AM In before kickoff.
Roll Tide... Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 08:44:18 AM (https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBRZfcK.img?h=552&w=750&m=6&q=60&u=t&o=f&l=f&x=561&y=297)
Best post this now. We won't see much of these outfits at 11am and rain. :( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 23, 2019, 08:59:28 AM (https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBRZfcK.img?h=552&w=750&m=6&q=60&u=t&o=f&l=f&x=561&y=297) We also won't see hair like that.Best post this now. We won't see much of these outfits at 11am and rain. :( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 09:10:50 AM (https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBRZfcK.img?h=552&w=750&m=6&q=60&u=t&o=f&l=f&x=561&y=297) We also won't see hair like that.Best post this now. We won't see much of these outfits at 11am and rain. :( (https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/annistonstar.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/3/e5/3e563a2c-f2f9-11e9-a931-638c6ccbb6cb/5dabeea11b01b.image.jpg?resize=905%2C630) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 09:14:57 AM (https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBRZfcK.img?h=552&w=750&m=6&q=60&u=t&o=f&l=f&x=561&y=297) Best post this now. We won't see much of these outfits at 11am and rain. :( 0% chance of rain at game time. Roll Tide! Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 09:16:27 AM (https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBRZfcK.img?h=552&w=750&m=6&q=60&u=t&o=f&l=f&x=561&y=297) Best post this now. We won't see much of these outfits at 11am and rain. :( 0% chance of rain at game time. Roll Tide! Ahh, the kiss of death! Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: lstephen on November 23, 2019, 10:03:18 AM Game Day! ROLL TIDE!!!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 10:22:15 AM (https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/09/17/16/387C2FC700000578-3794102-image-a-5_1474124524296.jpg)
"ROLL TIDE!!" Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 23, 2019, 10:22:35 AM (https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBRZfcK.img?h=552&w=750&m=6&q=60&u=t&o=f&l=f&x=561&y=297) Best post this now. We won't see much of these outfits at 11am and rain. :( 0% chance of rain at game time. Roll Tide! I think you've mistaken Western Carolina's chances for the weather forecast. ??? :popcorn2: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 10:24:35 AM Did Tua warm up? RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 10:27:42 AM Did Tua warm up? RTR! :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 10:31:51 AM Eli is on the air!
http://www.fun927.com/ListenLive.html Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 23, 2019, 11:00:45 AM Eli is on the air! http://www.fun927.com/ListenLive.html Excellent. I'll get it synced -- if not, either way no Gary! Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:01:22 AM Tua is at the game. Bama won the toss and will receive.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Catch Prothro on November 23, 2019, 11:02:00 AM Bama chooses to receive.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 11:02:26 AM God Bless Tua and his family. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: 2Stater on November 23, 2019, 11:02:37 AM Time to kick some major butt with Mack at the helm....AND NO GARY!!!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:03:16 AM Tua just came racing from the locker room to the sidelines!!
:o :o :o ... IN A GOLF CART. :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:03:55 AM Time to kick some major butt with Mack at the helm....AND NO GARY!!! Woot! Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:05:51 AM Pass interference on Devonta at the WCU 5. :dunno:
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:08:38 AM FG good!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:09:22 AM Field Goal ALABAMA - Bulovas!
Bama 3 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/44/72/5c/44725ccfda75be8e0b7dcf41d90ac8d3--sexy-cheerleaders-football-cheerleaders.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 11:12:31 AM Well we got a FG that was nice. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:14:00 AM I like the way Barmore plays. Barmore the Beast!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 11:14:29 AM Nice mix of run/pass ending with a FG.
:popcorn2: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:16:44 AM We have trouble covering tight ends
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 11:17:07 AM Well here is failed assignments. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 11:17:33 AM “Quality pickup” for 2 yards??
??? Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:17:40 AM Intercepted by McKinney!!
#+ #+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:17:43 AM Picked off! Nice play by McKinney
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 11:18:34 AM Xavier done well. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:19:13 AM Nice run by Najee!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 11:19:46 AM Smith for 6!!!
#+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:19:50 AM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Mac Jones to Devonta!
Bama 10 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ec/be/3e/ecbe3e6c0d6c0cb42a4a523190b4ae79.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:20:08 AM Devonta for the score!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 11:20:21 AM TD ALABAMA! RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:21:54 AM Ohio State about to score........
Boogs up 7-0. Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: lstephen on November 23, 2019, 11:22:50 AM I love the way 6 was surrounded by 4 defenders and just flat ran away from them! Speed is good!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 11:23:14 AM TOSU up 7-0 on PSU. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 11:25:32 AM >:( >:( :o :o RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:25:41 AM I love the way 6 was surrounded by 4 defenders and just flat ran away from them! Speed is good! That was flat-out SPEED. Cool! Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:27:33 AM McKinney again. Pick six
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 11:28:06 AM McKinney interception for 6 more!!!!
#+ #+ #+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:28:29 AM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - 80-YARD Pick-6 McKinney!
Bama 17 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d7/e1/0e/d7e10e04f382715ad5ad7432ed6dc19a.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 11:28:34 AM Pick 6. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:29:40 AM Looks like they will be running the ball.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:32:34 AM Cover the tight end!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:34:52 AM Sack! Jennings
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 11:36:02 AM Time for Najee to show out.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 23, 2019, 11:38:16 AM Forgot to make my picks. I would have picked Penn State and the 18 points.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:40:34 AM Ohio State about to score again.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:43:19 AM :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Bad play by Mac, penalty, and bad punt! >:( >:( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:44:25 AM Defense is playing better
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:45:28 AM QB stripped and fumble to Surtain!!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:46:48 AM McKinney playing lights out!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:47:01 AM QB stripped and fumble to Surtain!! Weird play. QB passed, knocked back to him and he caught his own pass, then he ran left, got stripped, and Surtain got the fumble. But did the QB control his own (caught) pass? :popcorn2: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:48:38 AM Ohio State didn't score. Fields fumbled inside the PSU 5.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:49:22 AM Mac to Jeudy to the WCU 20.
#+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 11:49:43 AM Got Jeudy this time!!
#+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 23, 2019, 11:51:06 AM PENALTIES! PENALTIES! PENALTIES!
:deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:51:43 AM Metchie catches a pass after a penalty, and runs to the 10. #+
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 11:54:27 AM TD Robinson!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 11:54:48 AM Robinson for 6 more!!
#+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:55:09 AM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Robinson powers in from the 5!
Bama 24 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/75/c9/ed/75c9edaa1b12ca893f8f3972c85ac20b.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 11:56:56 AM Mac Jones does NOT look comfortable. He's just not settled, and this team we're playing is no threat. He's got one week to mature and take control.
:tinfoil: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 11:59:46 AM Mac Jones does NOT look comfortable. He's just not settled, and this team we're playing is no threat. He's got one week to mature and take control. :tinfoil: I’ve noticed that, too. He has to find his groove. Hopefully he will as the games wears on. Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:03:50 PM Good pass to Waddle at the 12!
#+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 12:04:02 PM Beautiful pass to Waddle.
#+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 12:04:06 PM TD Najee!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:04:41 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Najee on a swing pass!
Bama 31 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-advancelocal.s3.amazonaws.com/public/G3FK6KL2WRDEPG77ZOOHXU2RYU.jpeg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 12:09:54 PM 3rdand 11. Cover the tight end!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 12:11:32 PM Sack!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 12:12:04 PM Great sack by Jennings!
#+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:14:28 PM 3rdand 11. Cover the tight end! Or maybe COVER THE QB! Smothered!! #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 12:14:54 PM 54 yard TD by Waddle!
#+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: lstephen on November 23, 2019, 12:15:30 PM Speed!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:15:55 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Waddle on a screen pass!
Bama 38 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/r/2019/07/19/b54ec48d-b88d-4ee9-87e9-7fd52cdb8c8e/thumbnail/1200x675/26ba7d0cf71e2ad9601082ae1f954d6b/alabama-fans.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:17:12 PM Both the radio and TV were on commercials when Waddle scored! :dunno: :dunno:
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 12:19:34 PM Waddle for a punt run back for 6 more.
I’m sure they will review it. #+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 12:20:00 PM Great return by Waddle. Out at the 3
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:20:33 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Waddle on a punt return!
Bama 44 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://advancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/image.al.com/home/bama-media/width600/img/sports_impact/photo/alabama-fansjpg-0d163c90b37822eb.jpg) But he was OB. >:( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 12:21:15 PM Robinson fumbled thru the end zone. Touchback
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 12:21:31 PM Robinson fumble!!
>:( :stop: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:22:49 PM Robinson fumbled thru the end zone. Touchback Horse Hockey! >:( >:( >:( >:( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:25:45 PM HALFTIME.........
Bama 38 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8gCKj8IEWEA/maxresdefault.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: 2Stater on November 23, 2019, 12:25:45 PM Nice first half. I hate that Robinson fumbled, but that's ok. I'll take 38-0 at the half.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:26:31 PM Nice first half. I hate that Robinson fumbled, but that's ok. I'll take 38-0 at the half. Yeah, you're not the one who picked 64-0! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Red Elephant on November 23, 2019, 12:32:22 PM Nice first half. I hate that Robinson fumbled, but that's ok. I'll take 38-0 at the half. Roll Tide! Everyone will play today. Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 12:45:27 PM Well SC might win this one. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:46:45 PM Intercepted by Mayden!!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:49:05 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Najee powers left and into the endzone!
Bama 45 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://cdn1.thr.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/landscape_928x523/2015/08/screen-shot-2015-08-18-at-8.15.59-am.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:52:27 PM Taulia is warming up.........
Hopefully all of the starters are done this time! >:( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:55:08 PM QB for WCU is crushed and throws up another interception!
:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:56:12 PM I suppose Najee is playing because Robinson fumbled?? :dunno:
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:57:44 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Taulia throws low, but Devonta catches it and runs the sideline for a TD!
Bama 52 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://media1.tenor.com/images/8e1cde9f74d911e791de138b3e28da29/tenor.gif?itemid=4785775) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: lstephen on November 23, 2019, 12:58:46 PM Anyone know how much we are paying W Carolina to take this beating?
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 12:59:36 PM Anyone know how much we are paying W Carolina to take this beating? Broken hip, broken nose, sprained knee, sprained ankle, bruised ribs....... Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:00:29 PM Ohio State 21-0
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:03:15 PM Ben Davis is in!!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 01:04:26 PM For those who are watching how is our 2nd string defense play? RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:05:12 PM Waddle got a good punt return, but we got an illegal block (Ale Kaho did it).
:( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:07:19 PM For those who are watching how is our 2nd string defense play? RTR! Not much challenge. WCU can't run, and their passes are caught by us as often as them. Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:09:04 PM Lots of backups for us now.
Bolton on a crossing pattern, but bad pass (behind him from Taulia). :( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:09:44 PM SHAVERS CAUGHT A PASS! MAYBE HIS FIRST CATCH THIS YEAR!
:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:12:00 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Keilan Robinson like a rocket for a TD!
Bama 59 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://www.girlsindirndl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/oktoberfest-girls-dirndl-beer-08.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 01:13:58 PM We only need 39 more points and SC wins. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Old Tider on November 23, 2019, 01:17:07 PM If this were a boxing match, they would stop it because the loser is helpless.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 01:18:52 PM Boy these are the kind of games I like. We win by a great score. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:21:11 PM Judas Priest, Barmore is hurt. Why is he in there?? With DJ Dale hurt, we need Barmore healthy!
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 01:21:23 PM Looks like Barmore is ok.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 01:22:28 PM Boy these are the kind of games I like. We win by a great score. RTR! Stress free...... Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:23:11 PM END OF 3RD QUARTER......
Bama 59 WCU 0 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://www.document.dk/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/oktoberfest-girls-dirndl-beer-14.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:27:10 PM WCU gets a field goal: 59-3.
Jinxed our SC pick! :( Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Old Tider on November 23, 2019, 01:27:54 PM I can't get too excited, because Woffard also scored 59 points on them.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:29:11 PM Big run by Keilan Robinson..........
#+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:36:14 PM Jerome Ford now at RB and looking good.
#+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 01:38:24 PM Wow! 65-3.
Was I ever off of my score prediction. :lol: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:39:02 PM TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA - Jerome Ford for a TD!
Bama 66 WCU 3 :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: (https://i.gifer.com/72tc.gif) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:40:01 PM Penn State has come back to trail 21-17 now.
:popcorn2: Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:48:17 PM We've got the scout team playing D for us now.
#+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:49:44 PM Lockridge is the RB now. :dunno:
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:50:23 PM Another RB, Townsend, runs for a first down. :worship: :worship:
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:51:22 PM Paul Tyson is playing QB for us now. Coach Bryant's great grandson.
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 01:51:58 PM I wonder if any redshirts will be lost in this game? RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:53:23 PM I wonder if any redshirts will be lost in this game? RTR! No. Remember, there's a new rule that they can play in 4 games without losing the redshirt. Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 01:55:51 PM I wonder if any redshirts will be lost in this game? RTR! No. Remember, there's a new rule that they can play in 4 games without losing the redshirt. Well, technically Taulia prolly lost his because of this game. Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Merk on November 23, 2019, 02:01:44 PM Congratulations Mac and team for a great win!!
#+ #+ #+ #+ Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: ricky023 on November 23, 2019, 02:05:20 PM Well done Bama to dress up for Auburn. RTR!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: 2Stater on November 23, 2019, 02:12:23 PM Impressive on both sides of the ball. I know it was only W. Carolina, but we needed this blowout win to keep our playoff hopes alive.
Sorry I couldn't participate more, but I had a houseful. Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: lstephen on November 23, 2019, 03:49:23 PM ROLL TIDE!!! Now, go beat Auburn!
Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: Chechem on November 23, 2019, 04:08:53 PM Impressive on both sides of the ball. I know it was only W. Carolina, but we needed this blowout win to keep our playoff hopes alive. Sorry I couldn't participate more, but I had a houseful. You missed the dirndls. :dunno: (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fc/8f/73/fc8f739fd490bc77dccb6da43ac961c4.jpg) Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: 2Stater on November 23, 2019, 05:12:31 PM Impressive on both sides of the ball. I know it was only W. Carolina, but we needed this blowout win to keep our playoff hopes alive. Sorry I couldn't participate more, but I had a houseful. You missed the dirndls. :dunno: (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fc/8f/73/fc8f739fd490bc77dccb6da43ac961c4.jpg) Apparently, the beer too. Title: Re: *** OFFICIAL Western Carolina vs ALABAMA IN-GAME THREAD *** Post by: lstephen on November 23, 2019, 07:51:32 PM I may have missed something but is Terrell Lewis injured? Haven't seen/noticed him in either of the last 2 games.