Title: The Killing of Sheriff John Williams of Lowndes County, Al Post by: 2Stater on November 27, 2019, 07:48:02 AM I think most of us have heard about the senseless killing of Sheriff John Williams in Hayneville, by now. The following is a post from a long time friend from high school, who is a retired fire fighter and Gulf War veteran:
"Let me begin by saying that I know everyone handles death and traumatic events in various ways. What may totally wipe me out may not even phase you and vice versa. Ever since hearing of the senseless murder of Lowndes County Sheriff Big John Williams this past Saturday night, my mind and soul has been greatly troubled. Someone very close to me asked me if he was a personal friend to which I replied no, I only met him twice. They couldn’t understand why then this tragedy has upset me so. There is no way that most people could ever relate to what it feels like for law enforcement people, firefighters and those military personnel in a war zone to go on duty every shift. It’s a part of the job we don’t talk about much but we ALL realize that at any given moment, the ultimate sacrifice may be required due to the nature of our chosen professions. Most people I am sure would be willing to risk life and or limb to save a family member or close friend but how many people would do so for a complete stranger? This is a requirement for those people in the professions mentioned above. I felt the need to drive down to Hayneville, Al. today which is about 30 miles southwest of Montgomery to the very gas station/convenience store where Big John was so senselessly murdered. I knew there would be people standing around as this store is about the only one in Hayneville. I approached a couple of men and asked if they were there this past Saturday night. One of them was and I asked him if he would show me the spot where it all went down. He showed me the exact spot where Big John fell and then said here, I’ll show you something. Someone had sent him a picture of Big John laying there on the ground. There was still some biological evidence of this horrendous act on the concrete. A sudden rush of emotions hit me as I knew I was standing where a great man’s life was snuffed out. When I heard a first hand account of what went down and how because a punk was told to turn his loud music down that now a former U.S. Marine, County Sheriff, husband, father and grandfather is forever gone. I left the convenience store and went across the town square to the Sheriffs office and paid my respects to the dept. personnel on duty. The memorial service for Sheriff Big John Williams will be held in Garrett Coliseum in Montgomery Monday 02Dec2019 at 1100 hrs. Law enforcement personnel from across the state will be present as will the thousands of people whose lives were touched by Big John. May you RIP sir, your brothers and sisters in law enforcement will take it from here." :( Title: Re: The Killing of Sheriff John Williams of Lowndes County, Al Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 27, 2019, 08:18:08 AM Sadly, we occasionally hear of police officers/deputies getting killed while on duty. Sometimes we even hear of a law enforcement officer getting killed while off duty but just trying to do the right thing. When I heard of the murder of Sheriff John Williams I was really surprised. Caught off guard. Hearing the many people talking about him and just how good he was as a person makes it seem even more devastating. I don't understand this sort of happening. I can't fathom in my mind what makes a person do such a thing. I'm sure lots of people would try and explain it by saying that "people are just bad" these days but I don't accept that. I really don't believe people are any worse today than they were 50 years ago. Their actions are just more easily publicized. No, I don't think all of these crimes are done just so the person committing them can get their 15 minutes of fame either in most cases. I don't understand it and the more it happens the more I worry about the world that my kids are going to have to live in...
Title: Re: The Killing of Sheriff John Williams of Lowndes County, Al Post by: 2Stater on November 27, 2019, 08:49:15 AM Sadly, we occasionally hear of police officers/deputies getting killed while on duty. Sometimes we even hear of a law enforcement officer getting killed while off duty but just trying to do the right thing. When I heard of the murder of Sheriff John Williams I was really surprised. Caught off guard. Hearing the many people talking about him and just how good he was as a person makes it seem even more devastating. I don't understand this sort of happening. I can't fathom in my mind what makes a person do such a thing. I'm sure lots of people would try and explain it by saying that "people are just bad" these days but I don't accept that. I really don't believe people are any worse today than they were 50 years ago. Their actions are just more easily publicized. No, I don't think all of these crimes are done just so the person committing them can get their 15 minutes of fame either in most cases. I don't understand it and the more it happens the more I worry about the world that my kids are going to have to live in... ^^^This. It scares me to death to think what my grandson may have to endure. Title: Re: The Killing of Sheriff John Williams of Lowndes County, Al Post by: ricky023 on November 27, 2019, 09:02:25 AM This is so sad and that 2 lives and more in the family have been destroyed because of this bad choice made by a young man. RTR!