Title: "Quarterback, Alabama native James Foster set to transfer from Texas A&M" Post by: Chechem on July 25, 2020, 04:34:31 AM https://www.al.com/sec/2020/07/quarterback-alabama-native-james-foster-set-to-transfer-from-texas-am.html
"Four days after Tank Jenkins began the process of transferring from Texas A&M, his cousin is now set to leave the Aggies too. Quarterback James Foster entered the NCAA transfer portal Friday night..." :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Quarterback, Alabama native James Foster set to transfer from Texas A&M" Post by: 2Stater on July 25, 2020, 06:10:24 AM https://www.al.com/sec/2020/07/quarterback-alabama-native-james-foster-set-to-transfer-from-texas-am.html "Four days after Tank Jenkins began the process of transferring from Texas A&M, his cousin is now set to leave the Aggies too. Quarterback James Foster entered the NCAA transfer portal Friday night..." :popcorn2: Jimbo losing his mojo? Title: Re: "Quarterback, Alabama native James Foster set to transfer from Texas A&M" Post by: Chechem on July 25, 2020, 06:18:10 AM https://www.al.com/sec/2020/07/quarterback-alabama-native-james-foster-set-to-transfer-from-texas-am.html "Four days after Tank Jenkins began the process of transferring from Texas A&M, his cousin is now set to leave the Aggies too. Quarterback James Foster entered the NCAA transfer portal Friday night..." :popcorn2: Jimbo losing his mojo? No school in America has broken more QBs over the past decade than A&M. WTH? They change coaches, and the QBs keep leaving. I know transferring QBs is a widespread phenomenon these days, but it seems A&M ruins them first! Title: Re: "Quarterback, Alabama native James Foster set to transfer from Texas A&M" Post by: 2Stater on July 25, 2020, 06:27:57 AM https://www.al.com/sec/2020/07/quarterback-alabama-native-james-foster-set-to-transfer-from-texas-am.html "Four days after Tank Jenkins began the process of transferring from Texas A&M, his cousin is now set to leave the Aggies too. Quarterback James Foster entered the NCAA transfer portal Friday night..." :popcorn2: Jimbo losing his mojo? No school in America has broken more QBs over the past decade than A&M. WTH? They change coaches, and the QBs keep leaving. I know transferring QBs is a widespread phenomenon these days, but it seems A&M ruins them first! Yep, with Kyler Murray being the poster boy of A&M QB transfers. Title: Re: "Quarterback, Alabama native James Foster set to transfer from Texas A&M" Post by: ricky023 on July 25, 2020, 06:34:36 AM I don't know what is happening it just seems that people don't get the spot light right off hits the trail. RTR!
Title: Re: "Quarterback, Alabama native James Foster set to transfer from Texas A&M" Post by: Chechem on July 25, 2020, 06:43:29 AM I don't know what is happening it just seems that people don't get the spot light right off hits the trail. RTR! Exactly. Everyone knew it'd happen, especially to QBs. Now if you recruit a 5-star QB, you'd better play him as a freshman or "HE GONE"!! :lol2: |