Title: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: Chechem on July 25, 2020, 06:46:10 PM The Braves beat the Mets by scoring 3 in the top of the 10th inning to win: 5-3. Woot!
(https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/fetch/c_fill,g_auto,h_315,w_560,f_auto/https%3A%2F%2Ftomahawktake.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fgetty-images%2F2018%2F08%2F1150411922.jpeg) Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: N.AL-Tider on July 25, 2020, 09:29:13 PM The "Overly confident indigenous" team has a great defense but their offense sucks...
Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: Chechem on July 26, 2020, 05:12:58 AM Hey, they're 1-1 on the season. They've been worse! :lol2:
Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: 2Stater on July 26, 2020, 05:21:01 AM Hey, they're 1-1 on the season. They've been worse! :lol2: After 2 games, there's only 3 undefeated teams left. :lol3: Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: Chechem on July 26, 2020, 05:37:06 AM Hey, they're 1-1 on the season. They've been worse! :lol2: After 2 games, there's only 3 undefeated teams left. :lol3: And the Braves are only 1 run from being one of them? :lol3: :lol3: Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: ricky023 on July 26, 2020, 07:47:25 AM Well they have some proving to be done to me. RTR!
Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: Chechem on July 26, 2020, 08:56:40 AM Well they have some proving to be done to me. RTR! You, me, and most everybody. Not many folks expect much from the Bravos this year. :( Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: N.AL-Tider on July 26, 2020, 11:57:56 AM Hey, they're 1-1 on the season. They've been worse! :lol2: After 2 games, there's only 3 undefeated teams left. :lol3: And the Braves are only 1 run from being one of them? :lol3: :lol3: Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: 2Stater on July 26, 2020, 12:27:43 PM Hey, they're 1-1 on the season. They've been worse! :lol2: After 2 games, there's only 3 undefeated teams left. :lol3: And the Braves are only 1 run from being one of them? :lol3: :lol3: Where's 'Chipper The Met Killer' when you need him. Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: N.AL-Tider on July 27, 2020, 08:04:01 AM Hey, they're 1-1 on the season. They've been worse! :lol2: After 2 games, there's only 3 undefeated teams left. :lol3: And the Braves are only 1 run from being one of them? :lol3: :lol3: Where's 'Chipper The Met Killer' when you need him. Title: Re: "Braves come from behind to win" Post by: ricky023 on July 27, 2020, 08:25:42 AM Scoring runs I see. RTR!
Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: Chechem on July 28, 2020, 05:56:08 AM Braves lost 14-5 to Tampa last night.
:facepalm: Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: ricky023 on July 28, 2020, 09:07:08 AM Sounds like a very up and down team. RTR!
Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: Chechem on August 01, 2020, 11:09:00 AM Braves on a streak. Came back from five runs down to win last night: 11-10.
:jump: Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: N.AL-Tider on August 01, 2020, 12:36:49 PM Braves on a streak. Came back from five runs down to win last night: 11-10. :o I went to bed expecting them to lose. Glad they came back. Now if they would only get started playing offense a few innings earlier... >:(:jump: Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: Chechem on August 02, 2020, 04:33:29 AM Braves won 7-1 over Mets Saturday. That’s 4 in a row.
:jump: Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: N.AL-Tider on August 02, 2020, 07:41:34 AM Braves won 7-1 over Mets Saturday. That’s 4 in a row. #+ #+ #+:jump: Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: ricky023 on August 02, 2020, 09:46:39 AM Well they won that is kind of good but can they keep it up all season? RTR!
Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: 2Stater on August 02, 2020, 03:15:48 PM Well they won that is kind of good but can they keep it up all season? RTR! Preacher, it's only a 60 game season, so I like their chances. 8) Title: Re: "Braves scores and chatter - can they win?" Post by: N.AL-Tider on August 03, 2020, 07:49:57 AM The Braves' record after 10 games is 7-3 and they still have NOT lost at home. Not bad. I hope they can keep it up. Ronald Acuna finally seems to be easing out of his batting slump to which will be great for them.