Title: ESPN: Tide's Richardson turns up the heat Post by: pmull on October 04, 2011, 04:25:22 PM Trent Richardson's performance Saturday pretty much spoke for itself in Alabama's 38-10 win at Florida.
The junior tailback rushed for a career-high 181 yards and two touchdowns and was a human battering ram. The Gators' defenders would hit him, and he'd bounce off for 3 or 4 more yards and sometimes more. According to ESPN's Stats & Information, Richardson had 123 yards after contact against the Gators. http://espn.go.com/blog/sec/post/_/id/29660/tides-richardson-turns-up-the-heat Title: Re: ESPN: Tide's Richardson turns up the heat Post by: bamalum67 on October 04, 2011, 06:15:05 PM That's the reason he is known as "MFBATR".
Can't wait to see him run thru the bayou kitties like crap thru a goose! I was a bit apprehensive about the gay-turds, and also about the Baton Rouge kittycats, but after the Fla game, I am feeling a whole helluva lot better! I believe we'll lay em out like the photos from 2009 where they had about 4 players laying on their backs hurting. I hope they will see the film from the Fla game..they will have a queasy feeling in the groin area. |