Title: BR - Recruiting Rewind: The Top 10 Most Hyped QB Recruits of the Decade Post by: ssmith general on March 15, 2011, 05:39:55 AM Quote This past decade has really seen the birth of the recruiting coverage industry inside college football, which only has meant more and increased attention for high school players. With increased attention, comes more scrutiny which means more hype for top players. Some players live up to it, while others fall by the wayside as victims. We've seen the wave of hype surrounding many top players in a current year's recruiting class, yet the QB position is always the subject of the most hype. It's the most glamorous position in all of sports, and in the recruiting industry, every fan, talent evaluator, analyst and coach wants to know who is the top QB and what they're all about. These past 10 years we've seen a wave of ridiculously hyped QBs, and we chose to charge ourselves with the tough task of getting the list down to a top 10. Whether the following signal-callers lived up to the hype or not is a different story, but here are the 10 most hyped QB recruits of the 2000s. Enjoy. Slide Show Here (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/635609-recruiting-rewind-the-top-10-most-hyped-qb-recruits-of-the-decade) (http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/789/078/95608778_display_image.jpg?1300136595) Title: Re: BR - Recruiting Rewind: The Top 10 Most Hyped QB Recruits of the Decade Post by: Chechem on March 15, 2011, 06:20:02 AM Lots of familiar faces, and a few felons. Some of those would have looked good in crimson.
# for OP Title: Re: BR - Recruiting Rewind: The Top 10 Most Hyped QB Recruits of the Decade Post by: 2Stater on March 15, 2011, 06:39:58 AM Good and interesting read #.
Title: Re: BR - Recruiting Rewind: The Top 10 Most Hyped QB Recruits of the Decade Post by: ricky023 on March 15, 2011, 07:29:14 AM That was a good article, I just noticed none of our guys were on the list. If Tim tebow had come to Alabama CMS may have never left or been fired. RTR!