Title: Film Preview: Miami Hurricanes vs. Alabama Crimson Tide Post by: pmull on September 04, 2021, 07:31:55 AM A little something to help pass the time until kickoff. This article has a good breakdown of Bama's new offense with Brice Young and Bill O'Brien.
Quote Prediction Alabama is light years ahead of Miami, and for that matter, almost the entire country outside of the Clemson Tigers at this point. Alabama is recruiting in the top-5, has the best head coach, and the best S&C program in college football. In order to beat the Tide, Miami is going to have to avoid the Twin Thieves: the fear of failure and the fear of judgment. The ‘Canes players will have to come out and play to win the football game, not play ‘not to lose’ as happens so often against Bama. Alabama will be fast- how do you counter that? By changing snap counts, using misdirection and by having a solid RPO and play-action game. Slow down their linebackers and safeties. Alabama is replacing a ton of talent while Miami is returning the core of their starting lineup. The ‘Canes need to come out confident, and with an attitude built around winning. Onside kick, fake a punt, go for it on 4th down, and take shots down the field against Saban’s Tide. Prediction: Alabama by 14. https://www.stateoftheu.com/2021/9/2/22636618/miami-hurricanes-football-film-preview-miami-hurricanes-vs-alabama-crimson-tide-9-4-saban-diaz-acc |